Information Session 14 th May 2012
Nursery36children Primary One36 children Primary Two13 children Primary Three12 children Primary Four 6 children Primary Five15 children Primary Six 4 children Primary Seven 4 children School Total88
StagesNumber of childrenSpaces Primary 1250 Primary 1/ x P1 13 x P2 1 Primary 3/ x P3 and 6 x P4 7 Primary Primary 6/7 817
Nursery Teacher – Fiona Baker (2 days per week) Senior Early Year’s Officer – Nicola McCarter Early Years Officer – Lynne Marshall
Teachers and stages Principal Teacher – Marianne Savage Veronica Cully – P1 Lisa Morrow – P1/2 John Cloherty – P3/4 Elaine Allen – P5 Maria McNally – P6/7 Fiona Baker ◦ 2 days - nursery ◦ 1 day - support for learning ◦ 1 day - Art
Clerical Assistant ◦ Fiona McKinnon Support for Learning Assistants ◦ Sandra Galloway ◦ Kay McLaren ◦ Pamela Angus ◦ Julie Heeps Janitor
GIRLS Tartan Kilt or Black skirt or trousers White shirt with tartan tie (or) White or red polo shirt Black jumper (with red stripe) or swea tshirt BOYS White shirt with tartan tie (or) White or red polo shirt Black jumper (with red stripe) or sweatshirt Black trousers
PE Black shorts with red or white polo shirt Outerwear Black Blazer or waterproof jacket (School Logo)
School orders – I will upload a order form to the blog. On-line Shop
Staff – ◦ Monday 20 th August ◦ Tuesday 21 st August: additional in-service day Pupils ◦ Wednesday 22 nd August P1 – 9:00 to 12:15 for week one Nursery ◦ Staggered start over the first two weeks
Morning session – 9am to 11:30 am Afternoon session – 12:45 to 3:15
9:00 to 3:00 for all children Morning break – 10:30 to 10:45 Lunch break – 12:15 to 1:00
Visits to pupils in current school Visits to nurseries Transfer of assessment data
Wednesday 27 th June at 6:30 Parents and children ◦ Tour of the school ◦ Children visit their class with their teacher ◦ Parents – additional information
Thursday 30 th August School Photograph Class photograph Staff photographs
? November 2012 His Eminence Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien
Grounds for Learning Themes: ‣Choice ‣Risk and Challenge ‣Nature with a Capital N ‣Play Machines ‣Sand ‣Shade and Seating ‣Topography ‣Variety and Texture ‣Water
Shared goals Responsibility to succeed Working together Continuous improvement Lifelong learning Support Mutual respect Openness Celebration and humour
Strong Literacy/Numeracy skills ◦ Early Intervention Health and wellbeing ◦ Emotional and physical Higher order skills ◦ Spirit of curiosity ◦ Skills for life Active methodologies ◦ Active literacy/numeracy ◦ Cooperative learning ◦ Rich tasks/storyline Support for Learning ◦ Meeting the needs of all pupils
Friendly open-door policy High quality information Regular consultation High quality teaching ◦ Based on best practice nationally and internationally A happy vibrant experience for all children
Parents who work with us ◦ Parental views ◦ Parent helpers ◦ Parent Council... Parent who build, share and reinforce our vision Parents who promote the school ◦ locally and wider Your trust