MATH Instruction
All students can learn
Domain progressions across the grade levels K – 12
Not as varied as current language arts
Larger variation of content presentation with pre-algebra being eliminated.
These are the domains by grade band
New Core for math is composed of content and 8 practice standards Make sense of problems and persevere Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique others’ Model with math Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Effective Instruction
I SAID I TAUGHT HIM. I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT From Checking for Understanding, King Features Syndicate.
It is time for a paradigm shift It won’t be comfortable for many of us It is essential for all of our students
We need to connect teaching with learning I TAUGHT STRIPE HOW TO WHISTLE I DON’T HEAR HIM WHISTLING I SAID I TAUGHT HIM. I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT We need to connect teaching with learning
What is the student on the verge of learning? NOT What is the next section of my textbook?
First define what success is: What is proficiency? Second, define how you will measure success. Alternative assessment methods? Finally, define how you will provide instruction that ensures success.
3 Tier model of instruction
We still have not answered the big question, HOW? I SAID I TAUGHT HIM. I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT From Checking for Understanding, King Features Syndicate.
Here’s the paradigm shift: Quit trying to cover the core All students will get the essentials Most students will get the whole core Some will see questions on the end of level test that they have not received instruction on Having the essentials will give students a real chance at success at the next level Do not spend Tier 1 instruction time on concepts that are not in your core, that is what Tier 3 instruction is for Ron Twitchell District Mathematics K -12 Specialist M and Th 7 am – 10 am Provo High School most other times