I have James II. Who has a system of government where there are no restrictions on the government’s power? I have unlimited government. Who has the idea that rulers receive their power directly from God? I have divine right. Who has a monarchy with unlimited power? I have absolute monarchy. Who has a system of government where power is restricted by people? I have limited government. Who has the document signed in 1215 in England that limited the power of King John?
I have the Magna Carta. Who has the name of the representative body in England? I have Parliament. Who has the event that occurred in England in 1688 that created a limited government in England? I have the Glorious Revolution. Who has the document that William & Mary signed that limited their power? I have the English Bill of Rights. Who has a monarchy ruled by an elected assembly and limited by law? I have constitutional monarchy. Who has the form of government where rulers have no restrictions on their power?
I have unlimited government. Who has the Russian word for “Caesar”? I have czar (or tsar). Who has the name of the philosopher who believed the government should protect the general will? I have Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Who has the time period where thinkers used scientific and logical thinking to solve problems ? I have the Enlightenment. Who has rights belonging to all humans at birth? I have natural rights. Who has an agreement between citizens and their ruler?
I have social contract. Who has the name of the document written by Thomas Jefferson that split the U.S. from Great Britain? I have the Declaration of Independence. Who has the division of power among branches of government? I have separation of powers. Who has a system where branches of government limit and control each other? I have checks and balances. Who has a plan of government that outlines the relationship between people and rulers? I have constitution. Who has the rulers who came to power after the Glorious Revolution?
I have William and Mary. Who has the French monarch who ruled absolutely for 72 years? I have King Louis XIV. Who has the Russian ruler who “Westernized” Russia? I have Peter I (the Great). Who has the philosopher who believed the government’s job was to protect all citizens? I have John Locke. Who has the philosopher who believed in separation of powers? I have Baron de Montesquieu. Who has a sweeping change?
I have revolution. Who has earth- centered? I have geocentric. Who has sun- centered? I have heliocentric. Who has anti-Church teachings? I have heresy. Who has a new approach to studying the world based on observation? I have scientific method. Who has the philosopher that believed in free speech?
I have Voltaire. Who has the time period where Parliament was locked out of meeting? I have the Eleven Years Tyranny. Who has the king of England during the English Civil War? I have Charles I. Who has the sides of the English Civil War? I have Royalists & the New Model Army. Who has the “lord protector” of England? I have Oliver Cromwell. Who has the king of England before the Glorious Revolution?