Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: Do you think that all the teachers should enforce the same rules at your school? Why or why not?
Prologue The Rise of Democratic Ideas 1200BC-1800AD
Section 3 Democracy Develops in England Henry II NO trial by combat/ordeal YES jury trials England is unified under common law The Magna Carta Nobles force king to sign document that guarantees political, legal rights ordeal: extreme test/trial nobles: wealthy land owners
Principals of the Magna Carta In your notebook, list the principals of the Magna Carta: The Church of England will be free from gov’t control The rights in the Magna Carta are for all citizens of England, present & future Only representatives of the kingdom can make taxes People of England will be free to practice their customs People cannot be put on trial w/o proof of wrong doing People can only be punished according to the law of the land Every one will have free access to justice Merchants are protected and free to travel and to buy/sell Free people are allowed to travel to/from England during a time of war All the rights listed in the Magna Carta will be observed 7 protected
Glorious Revolution Protestants afraid James II wants RCC as official religion Parliament offers throne to William & Mary Creates constitutional monarchy as the government king’s powers limited by laws William & Mary accept Bill of Rights from Parliament Bill of rights –limited power of monarch and guaranteed rights of the people Protestants: non-Catholic Christians parliament: England’s law makers
Democratic Developments in England In your notebook, divide a page into 3 columns. Make the column on the left smaller than the other two. Title the column on the right “Historical Event” Title the column in the middle “Resulting Action/Document” Title the column on the left “Effect on Democracy” Divide the columns into 4 rows In your group, use your notes/text book to fill in the chart
Democratic Developments in England Historical Event Resulting Action/Document Effect on Democracy King John tried to raise taxes on the nobles Magna Carta Established basic legal rights and protected the liberties of the English people Edward needed money to pay for war in France Model Parliament Increased number of people making gov’t decisions Sixteenth-century monarchs claim more power Petition of Right Overthrow of King Decreased power of monarch; increased power of Parliament The Glorious Revolution takes place English Bill of Rights Limited power of monarchy; guaranteed the rule of law; increased power of Parliament; guaranteed individual liberties