England’s Glorious Revolution and “The Rights of Englishmen” By : abel soto, chris Hernandez, Denver Vergara, and jonnatan lara
Question Analyze the impact of England’s Glorious Revolution on the thinking and political organization of British colonists in North America.
The Creation In 1733 john peter zengar, was hired to start a new newspaper in New York. Which was called “New York Weekly Journal”. Zengar began printing stories about official corruption and the government’s actions he considered to be totalitarian. But was sentenced to prison. In 1735, Zengar’s attorney argued for rights of speech and the press that that far topped what then existed in Britain.
Continued… Zengar’s release was celebrated ever since as a key to freedom of speech and freedom of the press as well. By the1730’s, there were more than 20 newspapers being printed in North American colonies. These newspapers also published news from other colonies and began to create a stronger sense of unity among Americans.
Video on the Zeger Trial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnbyQwLeiPU
Glorious Revolution (1688-1689) In 1689 Parliament came to distrust because King James the 2nd was giving more power to the catholic church, so they removed him in many English colonies and led to the establishment of William III and Mary II as joint monarchs . This was what was known as the Glorious Revolution.
Parliments decision to “Elect” a new King and Queen King James the 2nd came to the English throne after the death of his brother Charles the 2nd He was a Roman Catholic who had asserted royal rights over the rights of Parliament. James wanted to assert royal authority, especially in England’s increasingly independent colonies. He appointed a single royal governor, who was Sir Edmund Andros, over a newly designated dominion of New England, which compromised Plymouth, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, as well as New York and New Jersey.
Continued… Parliament turned against James II. Rather than risk losing his head like his father, James fled the country. Parliament invited James's protestant daughter, Mary, and her husband prince William of Orange, rulers of the Netherlands, to come to England as joint sovereigns. Kings and queens retained power after 1689. After 1689, it was clear that parliament, as representative of the people, ws a deciding force in England.
John Locke Most famous philosopher of the Glorious Reveolution Insisted that government rested on the natural rights (life, property, and liberty) Thought humans were born free in a state of nature and only agreed to social compact when it suited their pusrpose This ideas helped justify the Glorious Revoluion of 1689
North America Responses Governor of New England, Andros was arrested and sent back to England Andros later came back and became governor of Virginia Mary and William let the American colonies to return to their separate existences.
Answer Parliament limited the monarch’s power and issued the bill of Rights in order to limit the power. Mary and William step up to take the throne