THE NETHERLAND: GOLDEN AGE TO DECLINE United Providences of Netherlands Exercised authority through cooperation with provinces Religious Toleration Economic Prosperity Through trade Dutch capital system financed economic life through Europe (middle men) Decline of trade, obsession with tulips (tulip mainia” would lead to demise of Netherlands
TWO MODELS OF EUROPEAN POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT: ENGLAND AND FRANCE Results: England: limited monarchy, Parlimentary Government, and measure of religious toleration France: Absolute Monarchy and Catholicism prevails
ENGLAND King James I-a scot who advocated for Divine Right of Kings Angered subjects: Puritans left and established Massachusetts Bay Colony
ENGLAND CONTINUED Charles I- Levies unpopular taxes and stationed troops in houses en route to Spain Parliament Forces James to Agree to Petition of Right- document which forces parliament to approve taxes and quartering soldiers
REMOVAL OF CHARLES I Parliament Presents Grand Remonstrance List of Grievances Charles invades Parliament with his soldiers Parliament raises own army- England plunges into Civil War Parliament Forces led by Oliver Cromwell win. Cromwell “Lord Protector” establishes military dictatorship-
CHARLES II Oliver Cromwell dies in in 1658 Parliament invites exiled Charles II to return to throne Stuart Restoration Anglican Church is official Religion monarch had little or no responsibilities to call parliament
GLORIOUS REVOLUTION AND ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS James II renews fears of Catholic England when appointing officials 1689 James II fled to France in face of William of Orange superior army William and Mary recognized as new Monarchs- Peaceful transition makes it Glorious Revolution Bill of Rights Limited powers of Monarch Prohibits Catholic from throne Guaranteed role of Parliament in Government
FRANCE AND ABSOLUTE MONARCHY Louis XIV: (the sun king)- “one king, one law, one faith Early- helped by Cardinal Mazarin, who continued Cardinal Richelieu centralization of government Louis XIV- master of propaganda; divine right of kings; “l’etat c’est moi” I am the state
VERSAILLES Symbolic of Louis XIV power Aristocrats were barred from high government positions. Louis XIV hand picked towns men who owed loyalty to him Concentrated power
CONSOLIDATION OF POWER AND WEALTH Suppressed the Jansenists who opposed the Jesuits Revokes Edict of Nantes- results in closure of protestant churches and forced conversion to Catholicism Jean Baptiste Colbert- finance administrator. Close government control of finances- Mercantilism
CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Sweden- Charles XII loses campaign against Russians in Great Northern. Loses section of Baltic Coast Ottoman Empire- overextended by end of 17 th century. Russians began to extend territory into Ottoman Empire Turks make treaty with Habsburgs and surrender Hugary, Translvania, Croatia, and Slavonia
CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Poland- King John Sobieski struggled against nobility. Fails to raise taxes or an army Austrian Habsburgs- consolidated power in modern day Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Moravia, Silesia, Croatia, Transylvanian. Later receive former Spanish Netherlands and kingdom of Naples
CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Hohenzollerns of Branderburg-Prussian Acquired collection of land holdings and transformed into single unit led by Frederick William The Great Elector- royal bureaucracy system of taxes which allows Prussia to build army Frederick William’s son, Frederick I, becomes leader of Prussia after giving Charles V and Holy Roman Empire disposal of army
RUSSIA Reign of Ivan the Terrible ends with period of anarchy known as the Time of troubles 1613 Michael Romanov was elected by Russian nobles. Family rules until 1917 Peter the Great “co-rules” with Ivan V. Peter great 5 goals of Westernization Controlling the boyars and stresly Gaining secular control of church Reorganization of government administration Growing the economy Building major army and navy