Navigation Acts 1.No country could trade with the colonies unless the goods were shipped in either colonial or English ships 2.All vessels had to be manned by crews of that were at least three-quarters English or colonial 3.The colonies could export certain products, including tobacco and sugar- and later molasses, rice, and furs- only to England 4.Almost all goods traded between the colonies and Europe had to be unloaded at an English port, giving jobs to English dockworkers and money to the English government in the form of import taxes on goods.
Assignment You are to react to Parliament’s passage of the Navigation Acts playing one of the following roles: -a colonial merchant who has been selling tobacco to Spain -a member of the English Parliament
Define the following terms, finish for homework: mercantilism balance of trade Raw materials Parliament Smuggle Dominion of New England Sir Edmund Andros Glorious Revolution Salutary neglect Power of the purse
“The laws of England do not reach America.” – Massachusetts Government Report 1678
Mercantilism: a nation could increase its wealth and power by obtaining as much gold and silver as possible or establishing a favorable balance of trade Balance of trade: the difference in values between a country’s imports and exports *countries want to have a FAVORABLE balance of trade by establishing colonies *colonies provide the home country with raw materials as well as purchase manufactured goods from the home country
Navigation Acts: Passed to tighten England’s control over colonial trade & enhance the system if mercantilism Colonists continued to smuggle goods Britain cracked down and formed the Dominion of New England, ending local assemblies & Sir Edmond Andros was in charge
Glorious Revolution: change in leadership in England, granting more power to Parliament - also ended the Dominion of New England Salutary neglect: England, preoccupied with other affairs, loosened its grip on the colonies – Leads to colonial self-government with elected assemblies – Royal appointed governor (power of the purse)
Read Nehemiah Grew’s Quote on page 70 & make a prediction about the colonies’ future.