NEW HAVEN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Presentation of FCMAT TECHNOLOGY STUDY February 6, 2008 Presented by: Alex Cherniss Brian Hawkins Roslynne Manansala-Smith Jeffery Trader
New Haven Unified School District Overview District serves about 13,200 students of Alameda County District recently experienced rapid infusion of new technology & new attendant technology support requirements District has about $17 million in bond measure funds for equipment replacement District has several major technology initiatives that must be implemented over next 3 years
New Haven Unified School District Overview The District’s Technology Department has motivated employees The District needs to provide the department with leadership and a clear vision (This vision must include goals, values, strategies, and increased communication) First step the District has taken in providing this vision is entering into agreement with FCMAT for a technology study
New Haven Unified School District Overview FCMAT study team came to District in October FCMAT Team identified 47 findings and recommendations in the following categories: 1. Physical Security 2. Leadership & Communications 3. Policies 4. Network Security
Physical Security District’s main office data center will remain locked at all times & blank warrants to be stored in district office vault Minor construction in main office data center: *Installation of locked cabinet/cage for district office vault *Sealing of open air vents in ceiling of district office IDF Dial-in access for Board members will provide internet access New process for Board members to acquire information from internal administrative systems (student information system or financial system)
Leadership & Communication Clear Vision for Technology Department Establish a comprehensive Technology Plan Bring together all stakeholders for design and implementation of the plan. Set standards for equipment, security and usability. Staff training will be a priority.
Leadership & Communication Organizational charts will be developed, and staffing will be increased and adjusted according to the plan. Develop a replacement plan for equipment and software. Update job descriptions all technology positions Specific completion dates and duties will be part of the plan.
Policies Personnel Controls AUP’s/Confidentiality Password security Access procedures Printing System Controls Boot lockdown Read – write District wide standards
Network Security Train all technology staff on district’s network configuration and maintenance requirements Increase flow of information through planned organization meetings Complete technology hardware upgrade to include the purchase of new servers, switches, and cabling
Network Security Complete technology software upgrade to include purchase of new firmware and software Development and integration of technology support systems including test disaster recovery procedures, and logical and physical layout diagrams Complete wireless upgrade and use of WiFi protected access points (WPA)
Technology Budget: 5 Year Plan Category Certificated Personnel Salaries 270,398307,512284,739321,606268,201 Classified Personnel Salaries 799,689826,878850,031872,132896,551 Employee Benefits 277,065286,485294,507302,164310,625 Services and Other Operating94,240 Materials, Supplies393,830 Capital Outlay3,214,286 Indirect Costs23,000