Disclaimer The following presentation is for educational purposes only. Careful consideration must be given to all of a client’s circumstances before implementing the most appropriate SMSF strategy plan.
SMSFs – The New Tax Haven Why are SMSFs so popular? Take advantage of tax haven status with a new or upgraded Simpler Super trust deed Amazing Simpler Super measures The transition to retirement rules for small business owners and executives How to build your SMSF into a tax haven?
The Growth in SMSFs
Simpler Super Measures Tax free income and lump sums post age 60 No limit on superannuation benefits Non-concessional contribution and concessional contribution limits Minimising tax inside the fund Using a lump sum account as an estate planning account and maximising SMSF death benefits
Transition to Retirement Strategy Access super at age 55 as a tax preferred income stream for small business owners and executives Can salary sacrifice into SMSF at the same time Use personal tax deductible contributions to reduce personal tax rate Transfer shares and business property into the fund On-going tax management
Simpler Super Case Study John – aged 55 and Judy – aged 53 Own business via Trust with $150,000 profits Own ANZ shares - $100,000 bought for $40,000 with 5% ff dividend Own business property - $300,000 bought for $200,000 with $150,000 owing Have SMSF – John - $400,000 and Judy - $250,000 Need $50,000 net to live on
Upgrade to a Simpler Super deed Strong Foundation = Simpler Super Trust Deed Lump sum Account John Taxed at 15% on income 10% on capital gains Lump Sum Account Judy Taxed at 15% on income 10% on capital gains Income Stream Account John Taxed at 0% on income 0% on capital gains Strong Roof = Simpler Super Corporate Trustee
SMSF Strategy Plan John to salary sacrifice - $50,000 and Judy - $100,000 Salary sacrifice contributions to get rid of the Trust’s $150,000 profits John to transfer his ANZ shares into the fund and claim a deduction of $30,000 to get rid of capital gain Sell business property into fund with no CGT due to small business rules and pay off mortgage
SMSF Strategy Plan Need to use the three year non-concessional contribution bring forward rules Judy to split her concessional contributions to John John to commence a transition to retirement income stream in the fund with current balance, ANZ shares and business property With tax free component and 15% rebate it is tax free in Johns hands Minimise tax in the fund on salary sacrifice
The Next Step How much extra cash flow will it mean to you What is the lifetime benefit of getting it done right? Upgrade to Simpler Super rules Watch the SMSF TV programs at Make an appointment to set up your own SMSF tax haven with Poulton & Associates now