Gustavo Cepparo, Colleen Neroda, Mary Parker Follow the link to Statway.
Students haven’t been choosing to take statistics because they see it as hard, even when the faculty in their majors talk with them about why it would be useful. Haven’t had a good prerequisite course for it.
A two-semester sequence (fall and spring) The two Math for Stat courses are new courses we created. Math for Stat I Developmental math 4 contact hours MATH 1342 (special section) 3 contact hours + Math for Stat II Developmental math 1 contact hour
For both semesters: Statway lessons and support materials Our usual MATH 1342 textbook and software (David Moore’s Basic Practice of Statistics) MyMathTest, in which we will create worksheets of appropriate developmental math topics.
Better for transferability to have students take MATH 1342 than create a new course We will do somewhat more of the math in the first semester by rearranging the Statway materials to some extent.
What? Basic Math Skills or an appropriate Assessment Test score Why? ◦ Studies show that, overall, the group students who need to complete a sequence of developmental math courses before going on have low persistence rates in college. ◦ The consortium is writing the materials to be accessible at that level.
Statistics standards developed in cooperation with the Education section of the American Statistical Association. Developmental mathematics standards developed with the American Mathematical Assn of Two-Year Colleges and the Mathematical Association of America.
Presentation to counselors and advisors, with handouts. Handouts for students “Do you need to take statistics?” Handouts for students in developmental math classes about pathways through developmental math Web pages