Why is this important? According to a Huffpost Poll, 62% of Americans cannot afford a public university education There are many students who cannot attend the dream colleges they have gotten into, merely for financial reasons Dropping out Loans after school
Different Sources of Tuition Money Government Money FAFSA Student Loans* Work-Study Private Scholarships New Haven Promise Direct School Money The CSS Profile More Student Loans
From the Government 3 kinds: Grants Loans Work-Study Must fill out FAFSA to “apply” and determine eligibility You need your tax returns to verify information – ask your parents to file as early as possible
Private Scholarships “Free money” for college Unlike loans, they do not have to be repaid to the sponsor Some scholarships are awarded directly to the student; others to the college or university Different kinds of scholarship sources: Local groups and clubs Charitable foundations Businesses Schools Colleges Government organizations
Looking for Scholarships Start now! Deadlines are coming up this spring Resources to start with: School database and guidance counselor The school or university Online search engines
New Haven Promise If you’re from the city of New Haven, you may be eligible to receive a scholarship from New Haven Promise! This scholarship covers up to 75% of in-state tuition (class of 2013) Basic Requirements: B average Attendance Community service For more information: Talk to Guidance counselors, etc.
From the School Schools give you 3 sources of money: Government money comes first Merit-based scholarships (b/c you’re good at something) Need-based scholarships (b/c you have financial need) Need to fill out CSS Profile Jan/Feb is the time to do it Big point: schools with a big sticker price (Yale) often have the most money via endowments, so you might actually pay less money to go there.
Let’s Break it Down
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