The Thirteen Original Colonies-HISTORY Grade Levels: 7-10 Click to start!!
Province of Massachusetts Bay Province of Massachusetts Bay Province of New Hampshire Province of New Hampshire Colony of Rhode Island Colony of Rhode Island Colony of Connecticut Colony of Connecticut Province of New York Province of New York Province of New Jersey Province of New Jersey Province of Pennsylvania Province of Pennsylvania Delaware Colony Delaware Colony Province of Maryland Province of Maryland Colony and Dominion of Virginia Colony and Dominion of Virginia Province of North Carolina Province of North Carolina Province of South Carolina Province of South Carolina Province of Georgia Province of Georgia Click on the flag to go to your quiz!
Chartered October 7,1691 First settled by Puritan Pilgrims in 1620 King Phillip’s War Salem Witch Trials Famous People from the Colony John Adams Paul Revere John Hancock Click on the picture to go back.
Charter enacted on May 14, 1692 Permanent English settlement began in 1622 Unlike some colonies, religious participation was not required to be able to vote. Click on the picture to go back.
Colony founded by Roger Williams Williams was originally from Massachusetts, but was banished after a religious difference. 1660, Rhode Island becomes a colony for Religious freedom. 1 st of the 13 colonies to renounce allegiance to the British Crown. Click on the picture to go back.
Originally colonized by the Dutch, but later taken over by the English after the Dutch left. Established as a haven for Puritan noblemen. Scene of the bloody Pequot War. Click on the picture to go back.
Surrendered to the English by the Dutch in Immediately renamed after James, Duke of York, who owned the Charter. Economy heavily relied on the success of the fur trade. Click on the picture to go back.
First colonized by the Dutch, however control was given over to the English in 1664 after the surrender of Fort Amsterdam. Dutch briefly regained control in Originally 2 colonies (East and West Jersey). Unified in Click on the picture to go back.
Founded by William Penn in Pennsylvania translates to “Penn’s Woods” 1 st colony to abolish slavery Founded as a religiously free colony. Stemming from Quaker roots of the founders. Philadelphia-site of the continental congresses and the signing of the Declaration of Independence Famous Pennsylvanians: Thomas Paine Ben Franklin Click on the picture to go back.
Was never legally a separate colony Was a lower region of Pennsylvania Province. First settled by the Dutch, then the Swedes, but later conquered by the English in Became a melting pot of Swedes, Finns, English and Dutch. Click on the picture to go back.
Province began as a proprietary haven for English Catholics under the control of Lord Baltimore. In the mid-1600s, there was a time of upheaval, and Protestant revolt that went along with the English Civil War. 1700s-Plantation based economy Cash Crop: Tobacco Click on the picture to go back.
Oldest English colony in North America. First explored by Sir Walter Raleigh in1584 First settlement: Jamestown 1607 Given the nickname of “Old Dominion” for the colony’s loyalty to the crown during the English Civil War. Click on the picture to go back.
Originally began as one Carolina colony in Differed so much from the southern part of the colony that it was divided into North and South in Colony encompassed not only North Carolina, but Tennessee too. Click on the picture to go back.
Carolina colony was initially named for King Charles II of England. Yamanese War ravaged the backwoods South Carolina ( ). This led to the end of Proprietary Rule in SC Click on the picture to go back.
Charter granted to James Oglethorpe as a haven for the Colonies debtors Named after King George II Served as a buffer colony between the English colonies, and Spanish owned Florida Also served as a garrison province that was prepared to defend a Spanish attack. Click on the picture to go back.
Question #1 Question #1 Question #2 Question #2 Question #3 Question #3 Question #4 Question #4 Answer these 4 questions, and you shall be finished.
This colony was named after King George II in 1733 Georgia Georgia Pennsylvania Pennsylvania North Carolina North Carolina Back to Quiz Page
Correct! Georgia was named after King George II in Click on King George to go back to the Quiz Page.
Pennsylvania was named after William Penn, and translates to “Penn’s Woods.” Click on William Penn to go back and try again.
Carolina was named after King Charles II. Click on King Charles II to go back and try again.
This colony was originally established to be a safe haven for English Catholics. Massachusetts Bay Massachusetts Bay Florida Florida Maryland Maryland Click to go back to Quiz Page.
Massachusetts Bay colony was formed by Puritans. Click on the Puritans to go back and try again.
Sorry, Florida was a colony of Spain. Click on the Spanish flag to go back and try again.
Maryland was initially formed by Lord Baltimore as a colony designed to be a safe haven for English Catholics. Click on Lord Baltimore to go back to the Quiz Page.
True or False: Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers who established a settlement in Philadelphia, which means “The City of Brotherly Love.” True True False False Click to go back to Quiz Page
Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers, and Philadelphia means “The City of Brotherly Love.” Click on the Philly skyline to go back to the Quiz Page.
Try Again…… Click on the PA flag to try again.
This colony was formed by Roger Williams, who was exiled because of his outspoken religious views. New York New York New Hampshire New Hampshire Rhode Island Rhode Island
New York was originally formed by the Dutch. Click on New York City’s flag to try again.
New Hampshire was not formed by Roger Williams in Click on the New Hampshire countryside to try again.
Rhode Island was formed by Roger Williams in Click on Roger Williams to end the lesson.
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