This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
This Questionnaire was a applied to a number of 40 students aged from LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC “OLTCHIM” Romania The results are the following ones:
1) What do you intend doing after graduating high-school ?
2) Have you planned your future career ?
3) List three activities/ passions of yours you enjoy doing.
4) List three personal qualities
5) What job would you like to have ?
6) What personal qualities and skills are needed for the job you want ?
7) Would you like to work in your own country or abroad ?
8) How did you choose your job ?
9 ) Have you been helped in selecting your job ?
10 ) Do you consider yourself well-trained for your job ?
11) What should you do to achieve a successful career ?
Conclusions The students responses to the above questionnaire show their interest about their future career. they want go to the university they are interested in attending training courses to achieve a successful career, even if they want to work in Romania or abroad, it is important for them to be honest, sociable and decisive as future employees. They have chosen mostly well-paid jobs, required on the labour market. They are confident, aware and motivated to achieve the career they dream of.