Chapter 3- Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700 AP US HISTORY Chapter 3- Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700
TYPES OF ENGLISH COLONIES Corporate Virginia started as one (Virginia Company) Royal Virginia became one after the Virginia Company lost their charter in 1625 Proprietary Examples include: Pennsylvania (the king repaid a debt to William Penn) Maryland (given by the king to George Calvert)
Puritanism Wanted to purify the Church of England Characterized by The “elect” Predestination Anti-Catholicism
SEPARATISTS Puritans who believed only “visible saints” [those who could demonstrate in front of their fellow Puritans their elect status] should be admitted to church membership. Because the Church of England enrolled all the king’s subjects, Separatists felt they had to share churches with the “damned.” Therefore, they believed in a total break from the Church of England.
Founders of massachuSsets In 1620 102 Englishmen in Holland (half of them Separatists) negotiated with the Virginia Company for permission to settle on their lands Winds pushed them north out of the Company’s territory Landed in 1620 at Plymouth Rock Drew up the _____ _____ to help govern their colony. (Mayflower Compact) Colony growth was small; Plymouth was annexed later by MA
Massachusetts bay colony Established by Puritans led by John Winthrop in 1630 Colony dominated by very conservative religious beliefs and practices “Town meetings” took place for self-government in town meeting house (church) Family-centered organization, long life spans
PURITAN THEOLOGY “Covenant of Grace”: “Social Covenant”: between Puritan communities and God. “Social Covenant”: Between members of Puritan communities with each other. Required mutual watchfulness. No toleration of deviance or disorder. No privacy.
Dominance of Religion- MA Quakerism was illegal in MA; Mary Dyer was hanged for defying the ban after 4 arrests Church membership and attendance were mandatory; services lasted the majority of the day on Sunday Single people were especially watched.
The great migration In 1630 alone, 17 ships sailed for MA From 1630-1641, 200 ships carried approx. 21,200 colonists to MA Source for shipping data: Burk, Kathleen. Old World, New World. Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, NY, 2008, p. 50 Source for image: Accessed August 19, 2008.
Growth of new england colonies
Growth of new england colonies
Challenges to puritan authority Source for Anne Hutchinson image: The History of Cambridge 3. Years of Thomas Shepard Online. Accessed August 19, 2008.
Other new england colonies Rhode Island MA offshoot; Roger Williams est. Baptist church in 1638 in Providence Connecticut Most settlers English or Dutch. Fundamental Orders of CT drawn in 1639 establishing form of democratic rule.
Other new england colonies Maine Part of MBC until 1820 New Hampshire Part of MBC from 1641- 1679 until separated by the king.
relations with the native tribes Varied with colonies “Praying towns” Pequot War(1636-1637 in MA) King Philip’s War (1675-1676 in much of New England) Source for Image: Accessed August 19, 2008.
Early efforts to unite New England Confederation Established by the colonists of MBC, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven, 1642-1649 Dominion of New England Established by the Crown, 1686-1689
Population of new england, 1620-1750
The first two “middle colonies” New Netherlands (New York) New Sweden (Delaware) Image Source: Accessed August 19, 2008.
pennsylvania 29M acres granted by Charles II to William Penn Haven for Quakers Also welcomed other faiths, including Jews Decent relationship with Native Americans Image Source:
New jersey King gave land to his brother. Brother gave land to his friends. Friends tried to make a few bucks. People immigrated from New England, but bought land from the Native Americans.
Middle colonies summary “Bread colonies” Networked by rivers Lumber and shipbuilding industries Moderate land ownership sizes (except NY) More variety of ethnicities More religious toleration Land easier to acquire (except NY)