French 9/6/11 Copiez le suivante: vyinaw mpcdyylhorcuebxlteqgfzvyr ambnwçhaguipsk. What is the hardest thing about sky diving? Regarder – to watch. Regardons la télé ce soir. Let’s watch TV tonight. Goals – Focus on the alphabet and greetings. Learn accents and how they affect spelling. Fire drill. Les Devoirs – Write the basic dialogue that you know how to say.
French 9/7/11 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 9. Ecoutez et repetez les chiffres. What sea creature is always grumpy? Football – soccer. Oui, J’aime jouer ou football. Yes I like to play soccer. Goals – Pratice L’alphabet, les chiffres, TPR, les accents, spelling in French. Les Devoirs – practice saying your phone number in French.
French 9/8/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 10. Faites #6 Ecoute. Why do bees have sticky hair? Sport – sports. Aimez-vous faire du sport? Do you like to play sports? Goals – L’alphabet, les chiffres, TPR classroom commands, spelling in French, saying numbers in French. Les Devoirs – prepare to say the phone number of your best friend.
French 9/9/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 11. Ecoutez TPR. Ouvrez vos livres á page 22. Faites #9 Ecoute. Why are frogs never upset? Passionant – exciting. C’est plus passionant. It’s more exciting Goals –L’alphabet, les chiffres, TPR classroom commands, spelling using numbers in French. Play games. Les Devoirs – Pas!