SECTION 1: TOBACCO USE All tobacco use is dangerous. All tobacco has nicotine in it which is the addictive drug found in all tobacco. Cigarette smoke has poisonous chemicals in it. 4,000+ chemicals in cigarettes. (40 are carcinogens) Carcinogens are cancer causing chemicals. Tar is a sticky black substance in tobacco that coats the inside of the airways and has carcinogens in it as well. Examples of other chemicals in cigarettes are cyanide, lead, formaldehyde, and arsenic. Carbon monoxide – a gas that blocks oxygen from getting into the bloodstream. Other forms of tobacco have poisonous chemicals. No matter what form of tobacco is being used, it all has nicotine and carcinogens that can cause cancer. Nicotine is addictive: a. Cigarettes kill around 400,000 people each year in the USA. b. People who use tobacco products have a hard time quitting because of the nicotine in the products.
Tobacco Plant
SECTION 2: DANGERS OF TOBACCO USE Short term effects of tobacco use. Nicotine effects on the body. Stimulates the brain reward system. Increases heart rate and blood pressure. Increases breathing rate. Increases blood sugar level. Stimulates the vomit reflex. Long term effects of tobacco use. Addiction Bronchitis and emphysema Heart and artery disease Cancers Immune system suppression Other long term effects of tobacco use… Effects of smoke on non-smokers. Even non smokers can be effected by others who smoke if they are around them while they smoking.
2. This is caused by sidestream smoke which escapes from whatever the smoker is smoking. 3. Mainstream smoke is what the smoker is inhaling from smoking. 4. Environmental smoke (second hand smoke) is a combination of the two. Dangers of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke kills approximately 3,000 US citizens each year. Dangers of tobacco use during pregnancy. Effects of tobacco on the fetus and baby. Risk of miscarriages Risk of pre mature birth Low birth weight Slow growth rate Risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Risk of developing respiratory illness Risk of developing learning difficulties
SECTION 3: A TOBACCO FREE LIFE Why do people use tobacco products? 1. Family and friends do 2. Misconceptions from media… 3. Advertising 4. Curiosity?? 5. Rebellion Tobacco use affects the family and society. 1. Tobacco use causes health and financial problems to families and costs society a lot of money each year. 2. Costs to families. a. Over $1,500 each year buying the product. b. Lost wages due to illnesses. c. Medical bills for things like cancers. d. Funeral costs. 3. Tobacco and the law. a. Legal age to buy tobacco products is 18 in the USA.
What tobacco really is to humans. 1. Tobacco is unhealthy 2. Tobacco is expensive 3. Tobacco smells bad 4. Tobacco looks unattractive when using it. 5. Tobacco damages your skin. Decide that you can quit. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) – is a form of medicine that delivers a small amount of nicotine to the body to help someone quit using tobacco. 1. To quit you need to … 2. Reasons to quit tobacco… a. Get started a. You will live longer b. Change your habits b. You will smell better c. Set goals c. Your breath won’t stink d. Get support d. You will have more $$$
SECTION 1: TOBACCO USE All tobacco use is dangerous. All tobacco has __________ in it which is the ______________ found in all tobacco. Cigarette smoke has poisonous chemicals in it. _________+ chemicals in cigarettes. (40 are ______________) Carcinogens are _____________________ chemicals. _____ is a sticky black substance in tobacco that coats the inside of the airways and has carcinogens in it as well. Examples of other chemicals in cigarettes are __________, _______, _____________, and ___________. _________________ – a gas that blocks oxygen from getting into the bloodstream. Other forms of tobacco have poisonous chemicals. No matter what form of tobacco is being used, it all has nicotine and carcinogens that can cause cancer. Nicotine is addictive: a. Cigarettes kill around _________ people each year in the USA. b. People who use tobacco products have a hard time quitting because of the nicotine in the products.
Tobacco Plant
SECTION 2: DANGERS OF TOBACCO USE Short term effects of tobacco use. Nicotine effects on the body. Stimulates the ________________________. Increases ________________ and _________________. Increases _______________ rate. Increases blood _________ level. Stimulates the _______________. Long term effects of tobacco use. _______________ ___________ and _______________ Heart and artery disease _________________ __________________________ Other long term effects of tobacco use… Effects of smoke on non-smokers. Even non smokers can be effected by others who smoke if they are around them while they smoking.
2. This is caused by _____________ smoke which escapes from whatever the smoker is smoking. 3. ________________ smoke is what the smoker is inhaling from smoking. 4. ______________ smoke (second hand smoke) is a combination of the two. Dangers of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke kills approximately _________ US citizens each year. Dangers of tobacco use during pregnancy. Effects of tobacco on the fetus and baby. Risk of _____________________ Risk of ___________________________ Low _______________________ _________________________ Risk of ________________________________ (SIDS) Risk of developing ______________________________ Risk of developing _________________________________
SECTION 3: A TOBACCO FREE LIFE Why do people use tobacco products? 1. _____________________________ 2. Misconceptions __________________________ 3. ___________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ Tobacco use affects the family and society. 1. Tobacco use causes health and financial problems to families and costs society a lot of money each year. 2. Costs to families. a. Over $____________ each year buying the product. b. Lost __________ due to illnesses. c. _______________________ for things like cancers. d. ________________________ 3. Tobacco and the law. a. Legal age to buy tobacco products is _____ in the USA.
What tobacco really is to humans. 1. Tobacco is _________________ 2. Tobacco is __________________ 3. Tobacco ___________________ 4. Tobacco looks ___________________ when using it. 5. Tobacco __________________________________ Decide that you can quit. _________________________ (NRT) – is a form of medicine that delivers a small amount of nicotine to the body to help someone quit using tobacco. 1. To quit you need to … 2. Reasons to quit tobacco… a. Get started a. You will live _________ b. Change your habits b. You will _______________ c. Set goals c. Your _____________________ d. Get support d. You will have more ________