False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team Nancy Young False Killer Whale TRT Coordinator NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office PLTRT Meeting September 16,


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Presentation transcript:

False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team Nancy Young False Killer Whale TRT Coordinator NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office PLTRT Meeting September 16, 2010

2 Outline Hawaii’s false killer whales False killer whale bycatch in Hawaii’s longline fisheries Take reduction requirements of the MMPA Photo: NOAA-PIRO Observer Program False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team Components of the Draft False Killer Whale Take Reduction Plan

3 False Killer Whale Stocks 2009 SAR: 3 Pacific Islands false killer whale stocks  Hawaiian Insular Stock (Within ~75nmi from MHI based on available biological data; SAR used outer longline fishery exclusion boundary)  Hawaiian Pelagic Stock  Palmyra Atoll Stock

4 False Killer Whale Stocks Draft 2010 SAR: Defined new American Samoa stock Defined overlap zone between insular and pelagic stocks, and prorated M&SI within overlap zone Clarified that pelagic stock occupies international waters as well as U.S. EEZ around Hawaii, though geographic limits unknown Pelagic stock is currently the only strategic stock of false killer whales

5 Hawaii’s Longline Fisheries Category II HI Shallow-set (swordfish target) longline fishery 100% observer coverage Category I HI Deep-set (tuna target) longline fishery ~20% observer coverage Hawaii’s longline fishery regulated as 2 distinct segments

6 Hawaii’s Longline Fisheries Limited access program, active participation ~130 vessels Much greater effort in DSLL fishery

7 Since 2003, 6% of deep sets and 3% of shallow sets on observed trips showed signs of marine mammal damage Depredation of Catch Photos: NOAA-PIRO Observer Program

8 False Killer Whale Bycatch

9 Why is a TRP required for Hawaii’s false killer whales? NMFS must develop Take Reduction Plans to assist in the recovery or prevent depletion of “strategic” stocks killed or seriously injured incidental to Category I or II fisheries —HI Pelagic stock of false killer whales —HI-based deep-set and shallow-set longline fisheries NMFS may also develop Plans for non-strategic stocks killed or seriously injured incidental to Category I fisheries —HI Insular and Palmyra Atoll stocks of false killer whales

10 Hawaii’s False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team Nineteen appointed members, including representatives from the fishing industry, academic and research institutions, conservation organizations, State of Hawaii, MMC, WPFMC, and NMFS Individuals bring specific expertise to the table —False killer whale biology, ecology, and conservation —Fishing gear & techniques —Marine mammal-fishery interactions —Fishery management (policy)

11 False Killer Whale TRT Timeline January 19, 2010: TRT established via FR notice February-July, 2010: 4 meetings (in Hawaii) July 19, 2010: TRT submitted draft TRP to NMFS NMFS initiates rulemaking process

12 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Regulatory Measures Initial Regulatory Measures 1.In DSLL fishery, required use of 14/0-16/0 circle hooks, with wire diameter  4.5 mm and other specific characteristics 2.In DSLL fishery, establish a minimum diameter for monofilament leaders/branchlines Ensures hook is weakest component of terminal tackle 3.Required longline vessel owner/captain training in marine mammal handling and release Incorporate into existing Protected Species Workshops 4.Captain & crew requirements if/when marine mammal is hooked/entangled Crew must notify captain Captain must supervise handling and release

13 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Regulatory Measures 5.Required posting of marine mammal handling/release placard 6.Required posting of sticker instructing crew to notify captain of marine mammal hooking/entanglement 7.Establish a “Northern Exclusion Zone” that is closed to the DSLL and SSLL fisheries year-round (NEZ is area currently open to longlining from Oct-Jan)

14 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Regulatory Measures Regulatory Measures Contingent on Other Factors 1.In DSLL fishery, required use of “weak” circle hooks (max wire diameter 4.0 mm), pending results of weak circle hook experiment Would replace requirement for circle hooks with 4.5 mm wire diameter 2.Establish “Southern Exclusion Zone” that is closed to DSLL for varying periods of time, when triggered by specific observed levels of FKW M&SI inside the US EEZ surrounding the Main Hawaiian Islands

15 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Regulatory Measures

16 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Non-Regulatory Measures 1.Conduct weak circle hook experiment in DSLL fishery to test effect on target species catch rates 2.Increase observer coverage in the DSLL fishery to at least 25% quarterly coverage rate 3.Notify TRT of observed FKW or suspected FKW (“blackfish”) interactions 4.Expedite SI determinations 5.Changes to observer training and data collection protocols 6.Expedite processing of 2010 cetacean assessment survey (HICEAS II), provide preliminary results to TRT 7.Reconvene TRT every 6 months for at least 2 years following TRP implementation

17 Components of Draft FKWTRP: Research Recommendations 35 prioritized research needs/recommendations within and across 4 research categories: —False killer whale biology —False killer whale assessment —Longline gear —Shortline & kaka line fisheries Top research activities overall: —Evaluate impact of circle hooks and weak circle hooks on false killer whale bycatch and target species catch rates —HI EEZ cetacean survey (including acoustics) —Develop methods for fleet to use acoustic recorders to determine false killer whale presence before setting —Determine the number of vessels that use shortline & kaka line gear, and begin data collection on when/how fishing —Continue telemetry studies —Collect additional genetic samples to assess population structure

18 For more information: False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team info, including the Draft TRP: falsekillerwhale.htm FKWTRT Meeting Materials & Presentations:

19 Questions? Photo: NOAA-PIRO Observer Program