JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 1/7 Solid-State Lighting: The III-V Epi “Killer App” Jeff Tsao ∙ Physical, Chemical and Nano Sciences Center ∙ Sandia National Laboratories Earth at Night (courtesy of NASA) Center high-mount stop light (CHMSL). tech.com/showthread.php?t= HP calculator. seum.org/32.jpg Traffic light. m/2009/11/relasyon.html Sharp QuadPixel RGBY LED-backlit LCD Display. /sharp_quadpixel.html Surefire U2 flashlight. efireU2JPG.jpg NASDAQ’s Giant Video Display in Times Square, New York (Jeff Tsao) Nokia camera phone with LED flash. content/uploads/2009/07/Nokia Classic-the-most-rugged-mobile- phone.jpg content/uploads/2008/03/earthatnig ht-asia1.jpg
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 2/7 Historical and projected consumption of light β·GDP/CoL (Plmh/yr) Φ (Plmh/yr) CN 1993 WRLD-NONGRID 1999 WRLD 2005 UK 1800 UK 1850 UK 1750 UK 1700 UK 1900 UK 1950 UK 2000 AU+NZ 2005 FSU 2000 OECD-EU 2005 JP+KR 2005 CN 2005 CN 2006 US WRLD 2030 ~ / CandlesGas Kerosene HID Fluorescent Incandescent SSL ∙= After JY Tsao, HD Saunders, JR Creighton, ME Coltrin, JA Simmons, “SSL: An Energy Economics Perspective,” J Physics D (submitted).
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 3/7 Power Light Chip area needed to light the world Input power density Duty cycle Luminous efficacy lm/W Area Luminous efficacy Cost of energy Yield 3/4 Life 25 khr 137 T$/yr Area Area TurnoverMOVPE Reactors ~1.3 km football fields 119 $/MWh 300 W/cm 2 1/4 Area of 4” wafer Wa- fers per run 12 Runs per day 3 Uptime 330 days/yr ~ 800 ~0.15 km 2 /yr 28 football fields/yr 1/4 content/uploads/2008/03/earthatnight- asia1.jpg
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 4/7 The other electronics “killer apps” MarketLiquid crystal displays (2009) Solar cells (2009) Si electronics (2009) GaN solid-state lighting (2030) GaAs electronics (2009) Approximate area turnover (km 2 /year) # football fields / year 43,000 (Lake Tahoe / 2) 11,800 (Manhattan) 800 (2 x Monaco) 28 (Vatican City / 4) 5 content/uploads/2007/12/wafer_ 200mm_90nm_1024k_dc.jpg le:Solar_cell.png Sharp QuadPixel RGBY LED- backlit LCD Display. e/145541/2010/01/sharp_quadpi xel.html content/uploads/2009/07/Noki a-3720-Classic-the-most- rugged-mobile-phone.jpg Estimate from Steven S Rosenblum, Corning, Inc Assuming 9.6 GW p ( g/info/sread.php?id=5730) at 15% efficiency Estimate from A Anwar, Strategy Analytics Estimate from Gartner ( a/gartner_revises_silicon_wafer_ demand_forecast/) content/uploads/2008/03/eartha tnight-asia1.jpg
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 5/ CoL ope = CoE/η ($/Mlmh) CoL cap ~ $ Win /[η∙τ] ($/Mlmh) Incandescent Fluorescent :6 Ratio Phosphors↑ B LED↑ RGB Perfect A 0.7A 1.5A HID Enroute to the end game: luminous efficacy, cost, functionality Adapted from JY Tsao, ME Coltrin, MH Crawford, JA Simmons, “SSL: An Integrated Human Factors, Technology and Economic Perspective,” Proc IEEE (in press). 7.1x 3.5x 4.6x 4.9x $ Win η η $/W lm/W Mh $/MWh lm/W
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 6/7 Technology Grand Challenges Courtesy of M. Krames, Philips-Lumileds 1W LEDs 350 mA Luminous Efficacy and Functionality: Fill in the red-yellow- green gap and add control loops Cost: Eliminate blue LED efficiency droop ,000 10,000 J (A/cm 2 ) ε k (ns -1 ) Schockley-Read-Hall Auger- like Spontaneous Emission Target: 200 A/cm Luminous Efficacy: Narrow-linewidth shallow-red color conversion Wavelength (nm) Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) Spectral power distribution (W/nm) 614 Human eye response State-of-art LED Ω 2.8V ε Joule ε IQE
JY Tsao ∙ SSL: The III-V Epi Killer App ∙ ICMOVPE 2010 May 24 ∙ SAND C ∙ 7/7 Acknowledgements: Randy Creighton ∙ Mike Coltrin ∙ Roland Haitz ∙ Harry Saunders ∙ Eric Shaner ∙ Jerry Simmons ∙ Paul Waide Work at Sandia National Laboratories was supported by Sandia’s Solid-State-Lighting Science Energy Frontier Research Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL content/uploads/2007/12/wafer_ 200mm_90nm_1024k_dc.jpg le:Solar_cell.png Sharp QuadPixel RGBY LED- backlit LCD Display. e/145541/2010/01/sharp_quadpi xel.html content/uploads/2009/07/Noki a-3720-Classic-the-most- rugged-mobile-phone.jpg content/uploads/2008/03/eartha tnight-asia1.jpg