RSS Feeds Real Simple Syndication: The New Killer App for Educators
RSS A tool aimed at helping you consume information in more efficient and relevant ways. Syndication: the content comes to you. Weblogs generate code in a language similar to HTML called XML Code referred to as a feed Readers subscribe A tool aimed at helping you consume information in more efficient and relevant ways. Syndication: the content comes to you. Weblogs generate code in a language similar to HTML called XML Code referred to as a feed Readers subscribe
RSS Technology that will change your life Possible to track hundreds of feeds of information daily from bloggers, newspapers, and search engines Skimming content is a skill that today's students are going to have to have to develop in order to flourish Technology that will change your life Possible to track hundreds of feeds of information daily from bloggers, newspapers, and search engines Skimming content is a skill that today's students are going to have to have to develop in order to flourish
Setting Up An RSS Feed Reader First you need to set up an aggregator to collect your RSS feeds - suggest web-based service for access anywhere Set up an accounts Google Reader NewsGator Online NewsGator FeedDemon for Windows NetNewsWire for Mac NewsGator Go for Mobile First you need to set up an aggregator to collect your RSS feeds - suggest web-based service for access anywhere Set up an accounts Google Reader NewsGator Online NewsGator FeedDemon for Windows NetNewsWire for Mac NewsGator Go for Mobile