Pesticides and Pest Control By Brian Kaestner with thanks to Miller and Clements
What is a pesticide? Broad-spectrum agents Narrow-spectrum agents Target species Nontarget species What are the different types of pesticides?
In your groups come up with 3 characteristics of a ideal pesticide.
Characteristics of an Ideal Pesticide? Kill only target pests Harm no other species Break down quickly Not cause genetic resistance Be more cost-effective than doing nothing
Add to your list… Present a case for using pesticides
The Case for Pesticides Save human lives Increase supplies and lower cost of food Work better and faster than alternatives Health risks may be insignificant compared to benefits Newer pesticides are becoming safer New pesticides are used at lower rates
Now come up with a list against pesticides
The Case Against Pesticides Genetic resistance Can kill nontarget/natural control species Can cause an increase in other pest species pesticide treadmill Pesticides do not stay Bioaccumulation/biomagnification Potential human health threats
Pesticide Regulation in the United States ? Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 1947 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) 1996
What is IPM ? Ecological system approach Reduce pest populations to economic threshold Field monitoring of pest populations Use of biological agents Chemical pesticides are last resort
Effects of IPM Time Pest density Original pest population Introduction biological control Equilibrium position Equilibrium position Reduced pest population Economic threshold