Insecticides Chemicals that are used to kill that are pests. 1st Generation mixtures containing - lethal to both bugs AND humans
e.g. tobacco tropical legume African chrysanthemum
Plants are a “natural” place to look for insecticides because they thorns spines poisons sensitive plant
Natural does NOT always mean
2 nd Generation
Characteristics of DDT: broad – spectrum: persistent:
DDT changed world history by: preventing a among the Allied soldiers invading Italy during WWII
preventing millions from dying because of
increasing worldwide
won the Prize in Chemistry for the synthesis of DDT.
What Went Wrong?
DDT was banned in Canada in & in the 1972, but it is still being used in some countries (e.g.- ).
To cope with these problems, which it had itself created, the World Health Organization was obliged to parachute into Borneo.
Characteristics of Modern Insecticides Therefore, they CAN’T cause bioaccumulation.
Problems with Pesticides Because most pesticides are broad-spectrum, they kill, not just pests.
If an insecticide is overused, can develop.
Doctors are usually cautious about prescribing for the same reason. (i.e.- Some disease-causing bacteria have become resistant to all known.)
Some pesticides have been linked to certain types of. 2,4 - D has been linked to Saku Koivu
Many synthetic chemicals, including pesticides, mimic the action of the female sex hormone & may be causing in adolescents. Bisphenol A
The province of Ontario banned the use of (pesticides that non-essential or used to improve the appearance of lawns, gardens, & trees) in.
There are exceptions for agriculture, forestry, the promotion of public health or safety (e.g.- to control plants that are poisonous to the touch, such as ; insects that bite, sting, are venomous or are disease carrying, like mosquitoes; and animals, insects or plants that may cause damage to a structure or infrastructure, such as ), and.
The is one of North America's most devastating forest pests. Both Toronto & Mississsauga have carried out to control this pest.
Technically, the law says you can use or for poison ivy, but NOT for cosmetic purposes.
What are Some of the Alternatives to Cosmetic Pesticides?
wildflowers shrubs trees
Go Native! Native plants are adapted to the conditions here. They are & than introduced species. Put away those pesticide & fertilizer bottles & turn off the sprinkler!
Organic Food Food produced without: antibiotics; growth hormones; most conventional ; petroleum- based or sewage sludge-based ; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation.