THRIPS MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN FRENCH BEAN PRODUCTION AND EFFICACY OF INTEGRATED PESTICIDE APPLICATION REGIEMES IN EMBU EAST Benard Ouma Ogala-University of Nairobi Supervisors Dr. James Muthomi -University of Nairobi Prof. John Nderitu-Mount Kenya University Dr.Faith Torotich -University of Nairobi
1.Introduction 1.Inputs-Not affordable 2.EU regulation-Barriers to trade MRL-10% sample per consignment Ksh per shipment 3. Private standards e.g. Global GAP: Smallholder farmers have problems in meeting the costs
2. Objectives Broad To develop an integrated thrips management regime suitable for small scale growers. Specific To determine pest management strategies used by small scale French bean farmers in Embu To evaluate the efficacy of integrating biological, synthetic and botanical pesticides in management of thrips.
3. Determination of current pest control practices 3.1Sampling procedure Sample size-70 farmers Multistage sampling technique Farmers randomly selected from the list of French bean farmers Structured questionnaire 3.2Data collected Challenges to French beans production Farmers knowledge of pests and their management practices. French bean varieties grown, harvesting and post harvest Marketing channels and certification status of farmers
3.3: Results Figure 3.1: Constraints to French beans production
Figure 3.2:Important pest as perceived by farmers
Figure 3.3:Methods of control
Table 3.1:Record keeping and storage of pesticides Percent farmers Record kepingMwea eastEmbu east Storage of pesticides Mwea eastEmbu east Production House Spray Separate store Sales Central store PHI Left in the field2.66.4
Table 3.2:Marketing, marketing channels and certification status of farmers in Embu East district ActivityMeasureMwea eastEmbu east Marketing chanelBrokers Exporters/processors Point of saleSold at home Exporters Central collection point Transported to brokers7.90 Distance to collection point(Kilometers) and more Implementation of market standards Yes Type of standardGlobal GAP Plans for certificationYes Certified03.1
4. Effects of integrating biological, synthetic and botanical pesticides on pod quality and yield of French beans 4.1Design-RCBD, 4 replicates 4.2 Treatments chemical plus biological pesticides - at 50% flowerinng, 8 days later, 16 days chemical plus botanical pesticides - at 50% flowerinng, 8 days later, 16 days conventional pesticide - at 50% flowerinng, 8 days later, 16 days botanical plus biological - at 50% flowerinng, 8 days later, 16 days Biological pesticide - at 50% flowerinng, 8 days later, 16 days Control plots - no pesticide application. 4.3 Data collected Growth parameters Thrips population Pod quality Pod yield
4.4 Results Table 4.1:Effects of pesticide spray regiemes on thrips population- F.spp F.OccidentalisF.schulzei Season 1Season 2Season 1Season 2 TreatmentMEAN Chemical+Biological 5.4b 1.6ab 9.1ab 1.3ab Chemical+Botanical 4.6b 1.5ab 10.8bc 1.5b Conventional 2.8a 1.1a 6.31a 0.9a Botanical+Biological 7.7c 2.0b 14.2cd 2.1c Biological 7.7c 2.0B 15.5bc 2.3c Control 8.2c 3.3C 21.8e 2.9d LSD Cv%
Table 4.2:Effects of pesticide spray regiemes on thrips population-Megalulothrips and larvae Megalulothripslarvae Season 1Season 2Season 1Season 2 TreatmentMEAN Chemical+Biological 4.4a 1.7a 4.0a 1.3a Chemical+Botanical 4.6a 1.5a 3.2a 1.8ab Conventional 3.7a 1.2a 3.7a 1.2a Botanical+Biological 25.0b 2.3b 15.4b2.6bc Biological 23.9b 2.4b 13.4b3.3c Control 25.7b 3.1c 16.9b5.0d LSD Cv%
Table 4.3:Effects of pesticide spray regiemes on pod quality of French beans Marketable Season 1Season 2 TreatmentMEAN Chemical+Biological 7.6c5.8c Chemical+Botanical 7.1c6.0c Conventional 8.4d6.6d Botanical+Biological 6.4b5.2b Biological 6.1b5.2b Control 4.7a3.91a LSD 1.6 Cv%
Table 4.4:Effect of different pesticide spray regimes on yield of French Season 1Season 2 FineExtra fineRejectsFineExtra fineRejects TreatmentMEAN Chemical+Bio logical 225.7c 1020b323.0ab c285.2abc Chemical+Bot anical 174.8bc 790.3b393.8bc cd ab Conventional 199c 1347d269.5a d245.6a Botanical+Bio logical 180bc 636ab469.4cd b353.0bc Biological 131.1ab 609a514.2de b386.0c Control 106.9a 541a588.2e a611.8d LSD Cv%
Plan to conclusion FEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCT Compile first 3 chapters of thesis Data interpretation write results Compile and complete thesis Thesis submission Graduation