Pesticide Labels and Labeling
Pesticide Registration Pesticide registration is a scientific, legal and administrative procedure conducted by EPA
Pesticide Registration 1.EPA examines: – All of the ingredients of the pesticide – Target site(s) or crop(s) on which it is to be used – Amount, frequency and timing of the product’s use – Storage and disposal practices
Pesticide Registration 2.EPA assesses a wide variety of tests submitted by the pesticide manufacturer to evaluate: a.Product efficacy b.Potential effects of the chemical on human health and on the environment 3.EPA then approves the language that appears on the pesticide label and labeling Scott Bauer
Pesticide Registration 3.EPA then approves the language that appears on the pesticide label and labeling Scott Bauer
Types of Pesticide Registrations Section 3 (FIFRA) registrations: registration issued by the EPA for the sale and use of a pesticide product throughout the U. S.* *Unless a state does not approve its use.
Types of Pesticide Registrations Experimental Use Permits (EUPs): granted by EPA to allow pesticide manufacturers to field test pesticides under development Strictly for testing purposes. Cannot sell the pesticide or charge for its use Since there are no tolerances set for the chemical – all food crops must be destroyed at the conclusion of the test. Scott Bauer
Types of Pesticide Registrations Emergency Exemptions (Section 18 of FIFRA): approved by EPA to allow State and Federal agencies to use unregistered pesticides in a specific geographic area for a limited time under emergency conditions Must prove that there is no other registered pesticide that can do the same job effectively Four types of exemptions: Specific, Quarantine, Public Health & Crisis Exemptions
Types of Pesticide Registrations Special Local Need (SLN) Registration (Section 24c of FIFRA): a State can register a new pesticide product for any use or a federally-registered pesticide for an additional use State must demonstrate a “special local need” Pesticide must have an established residue tolerance EPA can disapprove (90 days) No expiration date unless one is established by the State Lee Davis
Pesticide Labels and Labeling Label: information printed on or attached to the pesticide container North Carolina Pesticide Safety Education Program
Pesticide Labels and Labeling Labeling: includes the label, plus all other information you receive from the manufacturer about the product (e.g., technical bulletins, brochures, leaflets) DuPont
Pesticide Labels and Labeling Pesticide labeling gives users instructions on how to use the product safely and correctly Pesticide users are required by law to comply with all instructions and directions for use that are found in pesticide labeling Courts consider pesticide labels as legal documents
EPA Approval of Labeling EPA has certain labeling information requirements and must approve all language proposed by the manufacturer EPA reviews labeling to make sure use it contains the information needed for safe and effective use of the product Labeling must be supported by toxicity, residue and environmental data from manufacturer EPA must approve any changes in labeling
Parts of a Pesticide Label Restricted-Use Classification: pesticides classified for “restricted use” must have the statement “RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE” in a box at the top of label; reasons for the designation may be stated (acute toxicity, ground water concerns, etc.)
Parts of a Pesticide Label Brand Name: brand or trade name of the product given by manufacturer (e.g., Roundup); located on the front panel of the label North Carolina Pesticide Safety Education Program
Parts of a Pesticide Label Ingredient Statement: – Active ingredients and their percentages of the total product must be on label; listed by chemical and/or common name (e.g., glyphosate) – Inert ingredients not required to be named, but their percentage of the total product must be on label Registration Number: the EPA registration number must be on label; indicates that the product has been approved by EPA. Each product has a different registration number.
Parts of a Pesticide Label
Establishment Number: must be on label or container; identifies the facility where the product was manufactured; needed in case of questions or concerns regarding product Name and Address of Manufacturer: name and address of the manufacturer or distributor of the product must be identified on label
Parts of a Pesticide Label Net Contents: amount of pesticide in the container; expressed in pounds, gallons, pints, etc.; located on front panel of label Type of Pesticide: short statement indicating what the product will control; on front panel
Parts of a Pesticide Label Type of Formulation: information on the formulation may be included on label, often as a part of the brand name; abbreviated form (e.g., WP or EC) generally used
Parts of a Pesticide Label
Signal Words and Symbols: signal words “Danger”, “Warning” or “Caution” must appear in large letters on front panel of label; indicates how toxic the product is to humans Danger: pesticide is highly toxic, likely to cause acute illness (with Poison/Skull and Crossbones) or severe eye or skin irritation Warning: pesticide is moderately toxic Caution: pesticide is slightly toxic
Parts of a Pesticide Label Signal Words and Symbols: signal words “Danger”, “Warning” or “Caution” must appear in large letters on front panel of label; indicates how toxic the product is to humans Danger: pesticide is highly toxic, likely to cause acute illness (with Poison/Skull and Crossbones) or severe eye or skin irritation Warning: pesticide is moderately toxic Caution: pesticide is slightly toxic
“Danger” Signal Word
Parts of a Pesticide Label Statement of Practical Treatment: instructions on how to respond to emergency exposure to product (i.e., first aid); usually on front panel of label Precautionary Statements: statements on the hazards of the product to humans and domestic animals (acute, chronic and allergic effects), personal protection equipment, environmental hazards, and physical or chemical hazards
Statement of Practical Treatment
Parts of a Pesticide Label
Directions for Use: directly under the heading “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” is the following statement: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling Pests that the manufacturer claims the product will control Sites which the product is intended to protect The correct amount of pesticide to use (rate)
Parts of a Pesticide Label Directions for Use: directly under the heading “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” is the following statement: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling Pests that the manufacturer claims the product will control Sites which the product is intended to protect The correct amount of pesticide to use (rate)
Parts of a Pesticide Label
Instructions for mixing and applying product Directions on when and how often the product can be applied Statement on when people can enter the treated area after the application Restrictions on the use of the product
Parts of a Pesticide Label
Instructions on the storage and disposal of the pesticide and container
Reading the Pesticide Label Prior to Purchase: the product should meet your pest control needs; you must be able to use it safely; you should have the proper equipment for application; the concentration of the product should be in the range suitable for the area you are treating Prior to Mixing: check the personal protective equipment required, specific warnings, mixing directions, amount needed and compatibility
Reading the Pesticide Label Prior to Application: determine if the product is registered for the site, when to apply, safety measures required, proper application rate, use restrictions, proper application method(s), and special instructions Prior to Storage and Disposal: learn where and how to store the product, where not to store it, and how to dispose of the excess pesticide and container
Lee Davis, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Lee Davis, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
39 The MSDS has information about the product’s safety The pesticide label has information about how to use the product safely
Material Safety Data Sheets In response to public demands for the “right-to-know”, the federal government requires employers to maintain information on those materials kept on their premises (mandated by Occupational Safety & Health Administration) Uniform Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) has been mandated and most manufacturers have complied
Contents of a MSDS Product Specifications: trade name, chemical name, common name, CAS number, etc. Health Hazards: acute and chronic effects of the chemical, route(s) of entry, etc. Toxicological Data: oral, dermal, inhalation LD50s; eye and skin effects; data on chronic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental, reproductive and neurological effects
Contents of a MSDS Product Specifications: trade name, chemical name, common name, CAS number, etc. Health Hazards: acute and chronic effects of the chemical, route(s) of entry, etc. Toxicological Data: oral, dermal, inhalation LD50s; eye and skin effects; data on chronic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental, reproductive and neurological effects
Contents of a MSDS Product Specifications: trade name, chemical name, common name, CAS number, etc. Health Hazards: acute and chronic effects of the chemical, route(s) of entry, etc. Toxicological Data: oral, dermal, inhalation LD50s; eye and skin effects; data on chronic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental, reproductive and neurological effects
Contents of a MSDS Product Specifications: trade name, chemical name, common name, CAS number, etc. Health Hazards: acute and chronic effects of the chemical, route(s) of entry, etc. Toxicological Data: oral, dermal, inhalation LD50s; eye and skin effects; data on chronic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental, reproductive and neurological effects
Contents of a MSDS Product Specifications: trade name, chemical name, common name, CAS number, etc. Health Hazards: acute and chronic effects of the chemical, route(s) of entry, etc. Toxicological Data: oral, dermal, inhalation LD50s; eye and skin effects; data on chronic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, developmental, reproductive and neurological effects
Contents of a MSDS Ecological Data: effects on the environment First Aid Measures: first aid for the various types of exposures; antidotes for poisonings Handling Precautions: information on the proper handling and storage of the product, personal protective equipment Fire and Explosion Hazards: flash points of the chemical, extinguishing media, and fire-fighting precautions
Contents of a MSDS Ecological Data: effects on the environment First Aid Measures: first aid for the various types of exposures; antidotes for poisonings Handling Precautions: information on the proper handling and storage of the product, personal protective equipment Fire and Explosion Hazards: flash points of the chemical, extinguishing media, and fire-fighting precautions
Contents of a MSDS Spill or Leak Procedures: instructions for containing and cleaning up spills and leaks Disposal Procedures: directions for proper disposal of the chemical Physical Data: form, color, odor, molecular weight, boiling point, melting/freezing point, and solubility (in water) of the chemical Stability and Reactivity: effects of moisture, temperature and other factors on the chemical
Contents of a MSDS Transportation Information: hazard class of the chemical, placarding requirements and emergency telephone numbers Manufacturer Information: name and address, emergency telephone numbers, disclaimers
References Applying Pesticides Correctly: A Guide for Private and Commercial Applicators. Unit 2: Pesticide Labeling. pp North Dakota State University Pesticides: Learning about Labels. Publication A North Dakota State University Extension Service. (
References U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Pesticide Registration Program. ( registration.htm) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Read the Label First. (