USEPA’s Endangered Species Protection Program (ESPP) ESA/Pesticide Lawsuits An Update for the UPC July 20, 2010
Update on… ESA/Lawsuit Process Status of Lawsuits Discussion/Questions
Process ESA Consultation Agency Action Effects Determination Consult Services Biological Opinion Implement RPA/RPM Registration EPA “May Affects”Transmit to FWS/NMFS Via Labeling – Reference Bulletins Alternatives & Measures to Protect Species
Process NOISFILE/Response Negotiations or Court Date Terminating Events Lawsuits Settlement or Court Decision
Settlement Elements Develop Materials Brochures/Point of Sale Notification (Shelf Tags)/Fact Sheets/Maps of affected areas Notifications Retailers (shelf tags) Registrants (Stipulated Injunction and status) Applicators (Stipulated Injunction) EPA Website (Order, Injunction, maps, fact sheets) Interim Use Limitations (Injunction) Remain Active Until a Terminating Event Effect Determinations & ESA Consultations Scheduled Consultations
Pesticide-ESA Lawsuits (Court Ordered Consultation Schedules) NOISFILE/Response Negotiations or Court Date Settlement or Court Decision Terminating Events ActionEffectsConsultBORPA/RPMActionEffectsConsultBORPA/RPMActionEffectsConsultBORPA/RPMActionEffectsConsultBORPA/RPM Scheduled Consultation 1 3
Status Lawsuits With Local Impacts InitiatedSpeciesWho#Phase Jan ‘01SalmonidsWTC55Settlement/Court Decision Order: July ’02 with Injunctive relief Completed EPA commitments April ‘02CA Red-legged FrogCBD66Settlement/Court Decision Stipulated Injunction Completed EPA commitments May ‘0711 Bay Area SpeciesCBD74Settlement/Court Decision Stipulated Injunction June ‘09Delta Smelt/ Salmonids CSD16Dismissed June ’10 January ‘10“Mega-Suit” (887)CBD395File/Response NOIS 1/28/10
Injunction Active (Jan ’04) BiOpBulletinsLabels #1DraftedReg. Disc. #2Review Drafts Agency Action Effects Determination Consult Services Biological Opinion Implement RPA/RPM Washington Toxics Coalition #1Final (11/08) #2Final ( 4/09) #4Nov 2010 #5Feb 2012 #3Draft (6/15/10) Labels/Bulletins 55 Settlement or Court Decision (Case No: C01-132C) 37 Dec ‘ Order BiOp 3
Status Notes
Agency Action Effects Determination Consult Services Biological Opinion Implement RPA/RPM CA Red-legged frog Expected ?/?/? 66 10/20/09 Settlement/ Court Decision Injunction Active (Oct ’06) Case No.: JSW (JL) SI
Status Notes
Agency Action Effects Determination Consult Services Biological Opinion Implement RPA/RPM 11 Bay Area Species Injunction Active (May 15, 2010) Case No JCS (N.D. Cal.) 74 Settlement/ Court Decision 19 SI Alameda whipsnake Bay checkerspot butterfly California clapper rail California tiger salamander delta smelt tidewater goby freshwater shrimp salt marsh harvest mouse, S.F. garter snake, California San Joaquin kit fox valley elderberry longhorn beetle
Status Notes INTERIM USE LIMITATION AREA FOR THE CALIFORNIA CLAPPER RAIL Within this area, do not apply the pesticides listed below within 300 feet of the high water line of salt or brackish water marshes. Also within this area, do not apply the pesticides listed below within 200 feet of a cordgrass/pickleweed stand (see photos below) if any part of the stand occurs within 100 feet of the high water line of a salt or brackish water marsh.
Bay Area 11 Species -use in cattle ear tags - indoor uses - homeowner applications to household potted plants; - use of the pesticides in flea and tick collars for dogs and cats; - tree injection applications* (*Except VELB) - Rodent Control (except brodifacoum, bromodialone, difenacoum and difethialone) adjacent to residential buildings or food handling, processing or serving establishments, if : 1) certified applicator 2) tamper-resistant bait station 3) station is placed within ten feet of the structure. -Subterranean Termite Treatment if: 1) certified applicator certified 2) used within 10 feet of the structure - Public Health and Vector Control Programs if : 1) part of a public health vector control program administered by public entities; or 2) certified applicator for control of a vector when there is a public health emergency. Exceptions Modifications No Buffer
Bay Area 11 Species …reduced to 20 feet: - to control state- or federally-designated invasive species/ noxious weeds when such a program is administered by public entities if: 1) limited to localized spot treatments using hand-held devices; and 2) overseen by a certified applicator; and 3) not within 24hrs of precipitation; and 4) if using 2,4-D, only the amine formulations are used. …reduced to 60 feet: - spot treatments of wasp and hornet nests - individual tree removal using cut stump application - basal bark applications Exceptions Modifications Modified Buffer
Impacts Now - Injunctions (where applicable) Future – Products with ES Label Language – Bulletins Live Updated – Buffer Calculator