Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Environmental Chemicals Prachathipat Pongpinyo THAILAND
Researh and development of material in agriculture such as soil, water and fertilizer Researh and development of material in agriculture such as soil, water and fertilizer Analysis service Analysis service Consult and certified the other laboatories Consult and certified the other laboatories Research and study in nuclear agrochemical Research and study in nuclear agrochemical Cooperate with another institute Cooperate with another institute
Purpose for attending this course Gain knowledge of Risk Assessment Gain knowledge of Risk Assessment Relates to my work Relates to my work To know more analysis methods To know more analysis methods
What I have studied??? “Silent Spring” & “Our Stolen Future” “Silent Spring” & “Our Stolen Future” Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Naturally or Synthesis substances Naturally or Synthesis substances Effect to human Effect to human Can change sex in some species Can change sex in some species Concentrate through the food chain Concentrate through the food chain
Food Safety Food Safety Calculate by Acceptable Daily Intake value (ADI) Calculate by Acceptable Daily Intake value (ADI) Study of toxicity of each substances Study of toxicity of each substances Pesticide safety evaluation committee Pesticide safety evaluation committee Endocrine Disruptor suspected pesticide Endocrine Disruptor suspected pesticide
Maximum Residue Limit (MRLs) Maximum Residue Limit (MRLs) Related to the ADI value Related to the ADI value Set up for each pesticides Set up for each pesticides Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Decrease the effect of pesticide Decrease the effect of pesticide Reduce the dosage volume Reduce the dosage volume More effective control More effective control Safety assessment of pesticide Safety assessment of pesticide How to conserve the environment… How to conserve the environment…
Dioxins, PCBs, CFC Remain in the environment for a long time Remain in the environment for a long time Accumulated in the body of living creature Accumulated in the body of living creature Concentrate through the food chain Concentrate through the food chain How to conserve and sustain the environment How to conserve and sustain the environment
Registration of new pesticides Eco-toxicological effect study Eco-toxicological effect study Environment fate study Environment fate study Ecological risk assessment toxicity exposure ratio Ecological risk assessment toxicity exposure ratio Study of distribution, effect and fate of man-made organic substances Study of distribution, effect and fate of man-made organic substances
Bio accumulation in the environment Bio accumulation in the environment Accumulation of Organochlorines in river water and sea water Accumulation of Organochlorines in river water and sea water Accumulation of Organochlorines in stripped dolphin Accumulation of Organochlorines in stripped dolphin Accumulation of Organochlorines in plankton in Osaka bay area Accumulation of Organochlorines in plankton in Osaka bay area
Treatment of agro-chemical compounds Degradation of Organophosphorus by bacteria Degradation of Organophosphorus by bacteria Isolation of TCP degrading bacteria from river water and properties of bacteria Isolation of TCP degrading bacteria from river water and properties of bacteria Degradation of TBT by the bacteria in the river water, sea water and isolation of TBT degrading bacteria from the river water. Degradation of TBT by the bacteria in the river water, sea water and isolation of TBT degrading bacteria from the river water.
Solid waste management Incineration Reduce mass Reduce mass Deodorization Deodorization Detoxification Detoxification Exhaust treatment is require for eliminate particulate matter such as HCl, SO 2, NO 2, dioxins and heavy metals
Alternative way to reduce dioxins Control the temperature to above 850C Control the temperature to above 850C Activated carbon Activated carbon Active coke reactor Active coke reactor Dioxin catalyst Dioxin catalyst
Consideration of waste management policy Current status of waste treatment/disposal Current status of waste treatment/disposal Responsibility of waste Responsibility of waste Treatment and disposal technique for hazardous waste Treatment and disposal technique for hazardous waste Source of emission Source of emission
Metabolism of pesticide in plant study Extrapolate toxicity effect in human from animals study Extrapolate toxicity effect in human from animals study in vivo study use labeled compound and inject into animal in vivo study use labeled compound and inject into animal Pesticide and metabolite have different toxicity properties Pesticide and metabolite have different toxicity properties in vitro study is for the metabolism study such as a cell culture in vitro study is for the metabolism study such as a cell culture
Soil Study Prediction half-life of pesticide Prediction half-life of pesticide Clay type hold more pesticide than sandy soil Clay type hold more pesticide than sandy soil Leaching test; the herbicide was contained in mineral soil than volcanic ash soil Leaching test; the herbicide was contained in mineral soil than volcanic ash soil NO 3 caused a meehemoglobinemia disease NO 3 caused a meehemoglobinemia disease
Practice/Observation GC, GC-MS GC, GC-MS LC, LC-MS LC, LC-MS UV-Vis spectophotometer UV-Vis spectophotometer Portable devices such as pH, DO, CO, CO 2, conductivity Portable devices such as pH, DO, CO, CO 2, conductivity AAS AAS
Hyogo Prefecture Technology Center on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (HPTCAFF) Analysis of heavy metals in soil and compost Analysis of heavy metals in soil and compost Nitrate analysis in vegetables Nitrate analysis in vegetables Water quality assessment in agriculture Water quality assessment in agriculture Study of effect of pesticide on soil microbial biomass Study of effect of pesticide on soil microbial biomass Pesticide residue analysis Pesticide residue analysis Rapid analysis Rapid analysis
KOBE Quarantine Station Simultaneous analysis of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables Simultaneous analysis of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables Simultaneous analysis of pesticide residue in Cereals, Beans and Seeds Simultaneous analysis of pesticide residue in Cereals, Beans and Seeds GC-MS for screening and fast analysis GC-MS for screening and fast analysis Principle of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Principle of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Confirm the result with GC Confirm the result with GC
Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences (HPIPHES) PCBs ELISA kit PCBs ELISA kit Analysis of PCBs in sediment sample Analysis of PCBs in sediment sample Comparison analysis of pesticide in water between SPE and LLE Comparison analysis of pesticide in water between SPE and LLE Analysis of heavy metals in industrial waste Analysis of heavy metals in industrial waste Inspection kit for CN, NH 3 in water Inspection kit for CN, NH 3 in water
Multi component simultaneous pesticide analysis in domestic and imported food by GC-MS and LC- MS Multi component simultaneous pesticide analysis in domestic and imported food by GC-MS and LC- MS Total hardness of natural drinking water related to taste of drinking water Total hardness of natural drinking water related to taste of drinking water Analysis of potassium permanganate Analysis of potassium permanganate Measuring of mass concentration of ambient particulate matters (PM 10 ) Measuring of mass concentration of ambient particulate matters (PM 10 )
KOBE University ELISA practice and analysis technique ELISA practice and analysis technique ELISA kit; Tube and Microplate types ELISA kit; Tube and Microplate types ELISA analysis for pesticide (Alachlor) ELISA analysis for pesticide (Alachlor)
Useful Subject to solve the problem in Thailand Pesticide registration system Pesticide registration system Analysis of environmental sample Analysis of environmental sample Good Agricultural Practice Good Agricultural Practice Good Laboratory Practice Good Laboratory Practice Waste management Waste management
Action Plan Report to the Department of Agriculture Report to the Department of Agriculture Implement of GLP Implement of GLP Propose for implementation and adaptation Propose for implementation and adaptation Review Review Training Training Propose for up-to-date instrument Propose for up-to-date instrument