Bishkek 27 June 2012
Article 6 of the Stockholm Convention require countries party to the Convention to take measures to eliminate or reduce the release of POPs pesticides and other POPs into the environment
Albania; Azerbaijan; Armenia; Georgia; Belarus; Moldova; Macedonia; Russia; Mongolia Activities - Inventory training - PSMS training - Repacking training - EMP training Mini-grant project was designed on countries based needs
Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Azerbaijan and Turkey Activities carried out - Inventory Training -Inventory process was started – Kyrgyzstan (Chui Oblast) and Tajikistan (KurganTube Zone)
GEF/UNEP Project: Demonstrating and Scaling Up Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for the Control of Vectorborne Diseases in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia (Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan) EC/GEF/FAO Project: Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union 12 Countries
EECCA Project – Inventory training; PSMS training; in some countries mini-grant project ; EMP training DDT Project – Inventory DDT sites; Analyzing DDT stocks, safeguarding. FTTP project – Inventory training; Inventory starts in 3 countries KYG; TAJ; TUR EC project – assess situation and activities will be planed according the needs.
ACTIVITIES: OUTPUT 1.Gap analysis related to pesticide management through life cycle completed; 1. Undertake a detailed review to assess the actual status of the pesticide lifecycle; 2. Review the current management of empty containers and expired pesticide products 3. Revise existing and introduce new legislation in line with international guideline 4. Review laboratory capacity for testing pesticide formulations and develop a strategy for enhancement of capacity ; 5. Workshop to Review opportunities for improvement in pesticide life cycle 6. Implement the communications strategy
OUTPUT 2.Strategy for pesticide reduction developed 1. Review previous intoxications, environment contaminations and pesticides residues in agricultural product; 2. Review past and ongoing IPM/IVM projects; 3. Develop a communication strategy needs assessment; 4. Develop national prevention plan;
OUTPUT base on obsolete pesticides developed and validated 1. Training on the safe inventory of obsolete pesticides and associated wastes; 2. Training in use of Pesticide Stock Management System (PSMS); 3. Develop a strategy for Safeguarding emergency sites;
Keminskii – Chimkorgon Airfield 6m3 TEST
Rayion Pianj kolkhoz “Imom” TEST