si’mn he smiymiyu’lmkhw Earth Knowledge Tool Exchange Network Opportunities Ashley McFarland Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Idaho
Overview Coeur d’Alene Tribe located in Plummer, Idaho Six employees in GIS staff Have worked with Exchange Network since
Objectives Describe each grant awarded Explain the work done on each grant Illustrate the deliverables of each grant Show how GIS can be utilized Explore suggestions from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe 3
First Grant Agricultural Burning, Smoke Management Pesticide Inspection Management Received in 2003—3 year project 4
Smoke Management Goals Develop tool to manage agricultural burning on the reservation Develop infrastructure to exchange data Collect baseline data 5
Infrastructure Development Purchase and set-up ArcIMS Web Server and Data Server Allowed data exchange within and outside of Tribe Exchanged data with EPA in Seattle, USGS in Spokane Providing metadata out to USGS Geospatial One Stop 6
Data Development Mosaic work done on orthophotography Field ownership/boundaries determined by Common Land Unit (CLU) and Public Land Survey (PLS) 7
BlueSky Data Integration Predictive modeling grid to estimate the cumulative effects of vegetative burning Data harvested to assess potential smoke conditions 8
Smoke Tool Development Web-based tracking mechanism – Burners – Permits – Fields Identify fields appropriate to burn – Prediction of smoke movement – Available, permitted fields 9
Smoke Management Obstacles Washington’s burn dataset difficulties Burn ban lawsuit – Short windows of time to burn – Did not allow for planning Changing mindset 11
Pesticide Project Goals Assist tribal inspector in tracking pesticide inspections Develop database Conform to “pesticide standard” Allow EPA and other tribes to see inspection data 12
Pesticide Inspections Tribal inspector works with six other tribes Part of Circuit Rider Program Wanted the ability to track inspections and applicators to better plan future inspections 13
Database Development Conform to proposed standards Develop queriable database Create forms for field entry 14
Pesticide Form Development Based off of current field forms Standardize and streamline Forms undergoing “trial run” 15
Pesticide Database Tracks – Use inspections – Follow-up/complaint inspections Forms – Applicators – Employers – Pesticides – Samples – Aggrieved party 16
Pesticide Database Obstacles Proposed standard never adopted Organizational strategy Flexibility 17
Pesticide Project Deliverables Functional, searchable database Accessible to government and tribal institutions Broader use of forms 18
Second Grant Facility Registration System (FRS) Updates One year project awarded in
Facility Registration Goals Registered sites – Update contact information – Update latitude/longitude positioning – Strengthen overall data integrity within the FRS Other – Purchase GPS unit – Survey Reservation to ensure facilities properly registered 21
Need for Improvement Over 90 registered facilities throughout Reservation Only 1/3 of sites had spatial data—often incorrect 22
Need for Improvement Plummer Forest Products 23
FRS Prep-Work Took inventory of Reservation sites within FRS Made contact information updates where possible Researched and purchased GPS unit 24
FRS Update Work Purchased GPS unit Surveyed facilities Reported facility updates Produced semi-annual reports 25
Facility Registration Deliverables Updated tribal records Improved data integrity for the EPA Strengthened data sharing relationship between the EPA and Tribe Found areas to improve – Data integrity and currentness – Facility entries 26
Applicability to GIS Allows spatial traceability of environmental regulation Useful in web-map interfaces such as EnviroMapper Assists in environmental management planning Data availability at Geospatial One Stop 27
Exchange Network Suggestions Modify data framework Service center vs. distributed data Allow harvestable data to be posted 28
Questions? Ashley McFarland