Semester Goals A new semester means a fresh start. You CAN do well in this class. On the colorful ¼ sheet of paper, write specific goals for biology class for this semester. Examples: I will pay more attention in class, I will set a study schedule, I will learn more about ___________________. Make sure you write your name on it. When you are finished, tape it to the back wall.
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project This is due on Friday, January 24th. I have given you ANOTHER handout with the requirements for the project (you should have this in front of you right now). Today we will go over the requirements again. This is a technology based project. You may make a Prezi, a website, or a blog.
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project 1. Your Introduction must include: – A descriptive Title – Your name Example: Genetic Engineering: Bt Cotton By Mrs. Campbell
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project 2. What is Genetic Engineering? – Define genetic engineering – What are some things genetic engineering could be used for? List at least two examples Example: Genetic Engineering is the deliberate changing of the traits of an organism by changing its DNA. Genetic Engineering can be used to make medicines, to grow crops with desirable characteristics, and to make animals with beneficial or interesting features. -
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project 3. Genetic Engineering Showcase Showcase (present) your example of genetic engineering – Choose one specific organism that has been genetically engineered What was the purpose of genetically engineering your organism? How was it engineered? Who engineered it? In your opinion, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Showcase Example Bt cotton is a type of cotton plant that has been genetically engineered to be resistant to insects. Researchers at the company Monsanto inserted a gene from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. This gene produces insecticide that kills many different bugs so they cannot harm the cotton plants. Bacillus thuringiensis The technique used to develop Bt cotton is called agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer. In this method, scientists first put the Bt gene into agrobacteria, and then infect the plant embryos with the bacteria. The bacteria insert their genes into the genome of the cotton, creating Bt cotton. When this cotton was first grown, it was a very good thing because it allowed farmers to save money on pesticide, and cotton crops flourished. However, it has become problematic because Bt cotton cannot kill all insects, and now the insects that were not much of a problem before are attacking cotton plants. So now, famers who use Bt cotton have to use pesticide anyway. There are also concerns about Bt cotton hybridizing with natural cotton strains.
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project 4.Conclusion – Answer the following questions: What sort of laws should be in place surrounding genetic engineering, if any? Should anyone be allowed to research genetic engineering? Should it only be done in federal labs? What about public universities? Should federal money go to supporting genetic engineering research? Should we be allowed to genetically engineer anything – or should some organisms be protected?
Conclusion Example: There should be laws in place surrounding genetic engineering because it can be dangerous and it can cause problems. The only people who should be allowed to do research in genetic engineering should be scientists in federal labs and at public and private universities. Federal research money should be given to genetic engineering researchers because genetic engineering can help solve problems such as malnutrition, and it can be used to create medicines. Genetic engineering can be very beneficial to humans. We should not be allowed to genetically engineer anything. It is okay to use genetic engineering in humans to cure diseases, but it is not okay to genetically engineer human-animal hybrids or humans who are smarter or more athletic.
The I3 Genetic Engineering Project 5. References – All sources should be formally cited – Example: References Author. "Title of the Web Page." Title of the Overall Web Site. Version or Edition. Publisher or Sponsor, Date. Web. Date of Access. Campbell, M. “Citing References for your I3 project.” Stern Mass, Web. December 9, 2013.
Tips Do not use direct quotes from your sources. Paraphrase the information from your source (put it in your own words) Start simple – Google “Genetic Engineering Example” or “Genetic Engineering News” or “Genetic Engineering in ______________” and fill in the blank with whatever organism you are interested in. From there, look for reputable sites as results (see below). Reputable Sites: For every source you use, you must consider who wrote it and if you can trust them. It is always a good idea to websites. If you are using site, be extra careful! Use Wikipedia as a starting point – not an ending point. It is fine to start your research on Wikipedia, but never use or cite Wikipedia as a source. Use the note and references links from Wikipedia or take what you learned on Wikipedia to do other searches.
Using Technology Appropriately You must check out a laptop from Mrs. Campbell. She will write down the laptop number. You will be responsible for this laptop until it is returned to the cart If you are on any websites that are inappropriate or off-task, Mrs. Campbell will take away your laptop and you will have to spend the rest of the period hand-writing a paper explaining why you chose to use the laptop inappropriately.
Sign and Date Look on the last page of your handout. Print your name in the first blank. Sign your name in the second blank. Write in today’s date. Tear this page on the line and turn in to Mrs. Campbell when she calls you to get a laptop.
Exit Ticket Before you leave, you must show Mrs. Campbell that you have selected your topic (your showcase example) If you have not selected a topic, your homework tonight will be to select your topic and write a one page paper explaining why you were unable to select your topic in class even though you had over an hour to pick something