WHAT\WHOALICEATLASCMSLHCB Assigned To Concerned VO ALARM 23 (real: 1)114(real: 34)3 2(real: 4)50(real: 12) TEAM Closed but Unsolved Still open on 2010/10/ GGUS LHC VOs’ tickets Period:2009/10/ /09/30
WHAT\WHOALICEATLASCMSLHCB CERN_PROD TRIUMF 05501(test) FZK PIC IN2P3-CC INFN-T NDGF 06401(test) NIKHEF SARA ASGC RAL 2 (1 test) USCMS_FNAL_W1 01(test)00 BNL-ATLAS GGUS LHC VOs’ tickets to T0/T1s Period: 2009/10/ /09/30
ALICEATLASCMSLHCB total other 2355other 25other 140other 590 file transfer 71local batch system 23file transfer 173d databases 7 file access 60author/authent. 6author/authent.13vo spec software 7 vo specific software 59workload mgmt 5file access 13storage systems 6 storage systems 41data mgmt 4vo spec software 11file transfer 5 author/authent. 23information system 4workload mgmt 10operations 5 GGUS LHC VOs top 5 'Problem Types' Period: 2009/10/ /09/30