Pressure Ulcer Prevention (PUP) Collaborative Programme February 2014 – December 2014 SKINtelligence Pressure Ulcer Prevention Collaborative (PUP) STORYBOARD TEMPLATE Learning session 2
Your team Teamwork is such an important aspect of improving care. Tell us about your team (consider the wider multi-disciplinary team), include photos. How do they feel about the programme?
Your aim for preventing pressure ulcers?
Baseline data 1.Include all your Safety Cross data 2.Include your weekly compliance data for: – Compliance with Risk assessment since learning session one – Compliance with SSKIN Bundle to do this randomly select five patients case notes on your unit each week and check whether pressure ulcer risk assessment was completed on admission/ and compliance with ALL elements of the SSKIN bundle) If 4 out of five were completed your compliance is 80%-3=60% 2=40% etc. Feel free to use next two slides to demonstrate your results
Safety Cross Prior to the learning session please complete the safety cross on your ward/home/ in your team (please see the programme guide for guidance on using the Safety Cross) 12 (2) Days since last PU 2728 ___ days
Compliance data collection tool Patient 1Patient 2Patient 3Patient 4Patient 5% Compliance Risk Assessment Skin Inspection Surface Keep moving Increased Moisture/ Incontinence Nutrition % Compliance
Engaging Patients and Family Tell us the test you are doing to engage patients and family more in preventing pressure ulcers
PDSA’s small tests of change What changes are you testing? What are you learning? What will you differently as a result of the PDSA tests?
Challenges & Successes Tell us what challenges you have faced preventing pressure ulcers in the past
Review the last five Pressure Ulcer Incidents acquired in your ward/unit/care setting Tell us: What did you learn? Were there any surprises? What will you do differently ?
Create your future vision For the final learning event you will be asked to develop a short 5 minute video that reflects the changes in culture and practice in your units and shows how you team have engaged in this programme. Begin now by painting your future vision. What will your unit/team have in place/achieved by Christmas? What will be different How will you keep the energy and enthusiasm high?
Team Metaphor Identify a metaphor that befits your team