Powerpoint Jeopardy …worth a pound of cure Many hands make light work Dressing for success All the worlds a stage?? Don’t judge a book by its cover
This important intervention will reduce the opportunity for pressure ulcer development and cannot be replaced by the use of a pressure redistribution surface.
This type of wound is common in the elderly and can be prevented by ensuring that both staff and residents receive regular nail care
This state of nutritional insufficiency is due to either inadequate dietary intake or a defect in assimilation or utilization of the food ingested.
This term associated with surfaces replaces the former pressure reducing and pressure relieving wording
This pressure sore risk scale includes the assessment of: Sensory perception, Activity Moisture, Mobility, Nutrition and this final category
This sharp instrument technique is a used to remove devitalized tissue from a wound and should only be performed by a specially qualified practitioner.
Best practice requires that assessments are completed on residents presenting with wounds or at risk of developing wounds. Name 2 of these assessments
Organizations have these in place to ensure that health care professionals are aware of the organizations expectations with regards to safe wound care practices.
Foods containing this nutritional requirement play an important role in wound healing
Fluids used for the cleansing of wounds should be warmed to at least this temperature.
This type of dressing inhibits the growth of microbes
These dressings are used on moderate to heavily draining wounds.
This dressing type has hemostatic capabilities and should not be used on dry wounds.
True or False Healing is as much about science as it is about wooing nature?
This suspected injury may not be visible at first, however, can quickly disclose itself to be a visible ulcer and will require early intervention
This type of staging is required For RAI MDS coding, however, is not a recommended best practice for describing the healing process due to its inability to accurately reflect what is physiologically occurring in the wound.
Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized nature is classified as this type of wound.
A wound staged at this level involves full thickness tissue loss, however, tendons and muscles remain unexposed.
These wounds are described as having full thickness tissue loss where the base of the ulcer is covered in slough and/or eschar.
This wound presents as a shallow open ulcer and may also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum filled blister
This outer most layer of skin is avascular and has 5 layers that are renewed every days.
This tissue is described as thick, hard, black, leathery, necrotic and devitalized
This word describes the mechanical force exerted when skin is dragged across a course surface such as bed linens.
Documenting the surface area of a wound requires these two measurements
A collection of pus that forms in tissue as a result of an acute or chronic localized infection.