Digestive System Pheonix & QIQI
Table Of Contents Pg 2: Table of Contents Pg 3-4: The role that the digestive system plays. Pg 5: How the digestive system is connected to two other body parts. Pg 6: Function Pg 7: Maintaining a healthy system Pg 8-9: Organs Pg 10-11: Major diseases
What is the role that the digestive system plays in the human body? Your digestive system is tube-like organs that convert food into energy. There are five primary steps: 1.You have to intake or ingest the food, this is where the mouth comes in. The mouth and stomach are responsible for storage of food as it is waiting to be digested. 2. Secretion. During the course of the day, the digestive system secretes about seven liters of fluids. Those fluids are saliva, mucus, hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and bile. These secretions protect your organs as you ingest food. 3. Mixing and Movement. In order to digest the food, you have to swallow. Peristalsis is a muscular wave that flows through the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) moving the digested food a slight distance down the tract. And Segmentation where the small intestine contracts to help absorb the food.
4. Digestion and absorption. Is the full process of starting with a solid food breaking down into smaller pieces and finally being small enough to be released or chemically absorbed into energy. 5. Excretion. The last of the digestive system is excretion. Excretion of waste is known as defecation, this must be completed on a regular basis to avoid backup indigestible materials.
How the digestive system is connected to the circulatory system & excretory system The digestive system works closely with the circulatory system to absorb nutrients through the body. The circulatory system carries chemical signals from your endocrine system that controls the movement of the digestion. The digestive system also works with your excretory system. (kidneys and urine.) when the digestive system gathers and removes undigested solids, the excretory system collects compounds from the blood stream and makes them into urine. They are connected in controlling the amount of water in your body.
Function The digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body. also, before the excretory system disposal the waste in your body's digestive system is to help packaging the waste.
How can you maintain a healthy system. You can get many of diseases from an unbalanced diet. A very extreme example of malnutrition is called Kwashiorkor (protein malnutrition) that happens when you don’t have enough protein in your diet. There are plenty of diseases related to missing certain vitamins and minerals including scurvy (vitamin C). If you keep your diet balanced, and try and get as much vitamins and minerals in your system then that will decrease the chances of getting those diseases.
Organs Mouth- The starting of digestive system, by taking the bits of the food in to small pieces and swallow. Esophagus- Receive food from your mouth, then delivers food into your stomach. Stomach- Also known as the “container”, while the food is been mixed with enzymes, it holds the food to continue the process to breaking down and turn into useful energy.(Also cells in the stomach secrete a strong acid and powerful enzymes that are responsible for the break down process) Small intestine- The small intestine is a 22-foot long muscular tube that breaks down food using enzymes (which is released by the pancreas and bile from the liver) The three segments that made up this organ are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Pancreas- Secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum(which is the first segment of the small intestine). These enzymes break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Liver- The main function of liver within the digestive system is to process the nutrients absorbed from the small intestine. In addition, the liver is the body’s chemical "factory." It takes the raw materials absorbed by the intestine and makes all the various chemicals the body needs to function
Continued … Gallbladder- before release into the duodenum to help absorb and digest fats, the gallbladder is to stores and concentrates bile. Colon (large intestine)- The colon is a 6-foot long muscular tube that connects the small intestine to the rectum. Rectum- The rectum is an 8-inch chamber that connects the colon to the anus. It is the rectum's job to receive stool from the colon, to let the person know that there is stool to be evacuated, and to hold the stool until evacuation happens. Anus-The anus is the last part of the digestive tract. It is a 2-inch long canal consisting of the pelvic floor muscles and the two anal sphincters (internal and external). It lets you know whether the contents are liquid, gas, or solid.
Major Diseases Gastric Cancer: The gastric cancer is directly affecting the digestive system because it happens in the gastric which is one of the main organ in the digestive system. The only cure for this disease is to take the surgery to increase a bit of time people lives. You can get gastric cancer easily with unbalanced nutrition and some disorders such as gastric ulcer can turn into gastric cancer.
Gastric Ulcer: The cure for gastric ulcer involves not drinking, or eat food that's Frozen, or spicy, and have a healthy lifestyle. Some people get gastric ulcer because of family DNA, others causes such as drinking, unbalanced nutrition and high mental pressure. It affect the digestive system because gastric is a main organ of digestive system.