All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. Teladoc Physician Training Module 8 | 2012
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. Module 8: Prescription Policies and Guidelines 1.Prescription Policy 2.Prescription Guidelines
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 3 Prescription Policy Give the patient instructions on how to use the medications prescribed, and document the advice. Review the patient’s medical history, past consults, and medications prior to giving advice or prescribing medications. Inquire about significant past medical history (i.e. OTC use, prior medication reactions or allergies, prior peptic ulcer disease with NSAIDS, chances of pregnancy) prior to prescribing medications or giving advice.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 4 Prescription Policy DEA Controlled Substances Under NO circumstance are you allowed to prescribe any DEA controlled substance. For a complete list please click of the link below. ules/orangebook/c_cs_alpha.pdf Failure to follow this policy can and will lead to termination of contract.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 5 Prescription Policy Prohibited Prescriptions You are prohibited from prescribing the following: Medication for psychiatric illnesses Lifestyle medications Erectile dysfunction drugs Chantix Failure to follow this policy can and will lead to termination of contract.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 6 Prescription Policy Prescription Refills Teladoc allows current medications to be refilled on a short term, one time basis unless the drug is prohibited under Teladoc (as noted on the previous slide). Failure to follow this policy can and will lead to termination of contract.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 7 Prescription Policy Call In Prescriptions Under NO circumstance can you call a prescription into a pharmacy. If you have issues with the ePrescribe system, please call an on-duty nurse to assist you. Failure to follow this policy can and will lead to termination of contract.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. Module 8: Prescription Policies and Guidelines 1.Prescription Policies 2.Prescription Guidelines
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. 9 Prescription Guidelines What NOT to do when filling a prescription: Prescribe medication or instruct the patient to take medication in a manner that is not FDA approved. Prescribe medications for lengthy periods that may require labs to confirm patient safety, (i.e., HCTZ without confirmation of potassium serum levels, NSAIDS without confirmation of renal function, etc). Prescribe high-risk medications, complex medication regimens that require close follow-up, or medications that may adversely interact with their medications or past allergies. Take a chance and prescribe a medication when there is a history of an allergy to a similar medication. Prescribe drugs for non-therapeutic purposes.
All material proprietary and confidential. Presented by Teladoc, Inc. Contact us: Amy McKay Clinical Director (214) Boyd Harbour Physician Recruiter (214) © 2012 Teladoc, Inc. All right reserved. Teladoc and the Teladoc logo are registered trademarks of Teladoc, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. Teladoc does not replace the primary care physician. Teladoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Teladoc operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. Teladoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Teladoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. Teladoc phone consultations are available 24 hours, 7 days a week while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm, 7 days a week.