Naturalist Intelligence A.K.A. Naturalist!
We show we are nature smart when we… Have a keen (sharp) awareness of the natural world and phenomena. Have a keen (sharp) awareness of the natural world and phenomena.
We discriminate natural items like: Animals Animals Insects Insects Birds Birds Fish Fish Rocks Rocks Minerals Minerals Plants Plants Trees Trees Flowers Flowers Stars Stars Planets Planets
We learn best when… The content can be sorted or classified or is related to the natural world. The content can be sorted or classified or is related to the natural world.
We are Nature Smart when we… Care for pets and wild animals. Care for pets and wild animals. Notice changes in the environment. Notice changes in the environment. Recognize patterns in nature. Recognize patterns in nature. Collect and organize items. Collect and organize items.
We are Nature Smart when we… Understand interdependence of living things. Understand interdependence of living things. Draw or photograph natural objects. Draw or photograph natural objects. Trace natural life cycles Trace natural life cycles Sort articles from nature. Sort articles from nature.
We are Nature Smart when we… Protect the environment. Protect the environment. Enjoy being outdoors, camping, hiking, field- trips. Enjoy being outdoors, camping, hiking, field- trips. Tame and train animals. Tame and train animals. Make fine distinctions between similar types of objects. Make fine distinctions between similar types of objects.
People who put their nature smarts to work include… Ecologists Ecologists Oceanographers Oceanographers Zoologists Zoologists