Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Differential equations are the ubiquitous, the lingua franca of the sciences; many different fields are linked by having similar differential equations ODEs have one independent variable; PDEs have more Examples: electrical circuits Newtonian mechanics chemical reactions population dynamics economics… and so on, ad infinitum
Example: RLC circuit
To illustrate: Population dynamics 1798 Malthusian catastrophe 1838 Verhulst, logistic growth Predator-prey systems, Volterra-Lotka
Population dynamics Malthus: Verhulst: Logistic growth
Population dynamics Hudson Bay Company
Population dynamics V.Volterra, commercial fishing in the Adriatic
In the x 1 -x 2 plane
State space Produces a family of concentric closed curves as shown… How to compute? Integrate analytically!
Population dynamics self-limiting term stable focus Delay limit cycle
As functions of time
Do you believe this? Do hares eat lynx, Gilpin 1973 Do Hares Eat Lynx? Michael E. Gilpin The American Naturalist, Vol. 107, No. 957 (Sep. - Oct., 1973), pp Published by: The University of Chicago Press for The American Society of Naturalists Stable URL:
Putting equations in state-space form
Traditional state space: Example: the (nonlinear) pendulum McMaster
Linear pendulum: small θ For simplicity, let g/l = 1 Circles!
Pendulum in the phase plane
Varieties of Behavior Stable focus Periodic Limit cycle
Varieties of Behavior Stable focus Periodic Limit cycle Chaos …Assignment
Numerical integration of ODEs Euler’s Method simple-minded, basis of many others Predictor-corrector methods can be useful Runge-Kutta (usually 4 th -order) workhorse, good enough for our work, but not state-of-the-art
Criteria for evaluating Accuracy use Taylor series, big-Oh, classical numerical analysis Efficiency running time may be hard to predict, sometimes step size is adaptive Stability some methods diverge on some problems
Euler Local error = O(h 2 ) Global accumulated) error = O(h) (Roughly: multiply by T/h )
Euler Local error = O(h 2 ) Global (accumulated) error = O(h) Euler step
Euler Local error = O(h 2 ) Global (accumulated) error = O(h) Taylor’s series with remainder Euler step
Second-order Runge-Kutta (midpoint method) Local error = O(h 3 ) Global (accumulated) error = O(h 2 )
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta Local error = O(h 5 ) Global (accumulated) error = O(h 4 )
Additional topics Stability, stiff systems Implicit methods Two-point boundary-value problems shooting methods relaxation methods