Understand different landforms and water forms. Create a model volcano and compare it to an actual volcano eruption. Research a landform in the United States and create a presentation to persuade people to go visit. Third grade students will: About 5-7 days
Landforms Volcanoes Landform Trip
Landform Trip Presentation Model Volcano Vs. Actual Volcano Comparison chart Group Landform Glossary Landform quiz
Example of difficulty would be for the students to name all of the landforms. Example of complexity would be having the students compare two landforms and tell me how they are similar and different
Visual –Spatial Verbal/ Linguistic Logical/Mathematic al Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily – Kinesthetic Naturalist
Abstract – Sequential Concrete – Sequential Abstract - Random Concrete - Random
Prime Time 2 – Recency Comparison chart – Model Vs. Actual Volcano Eruption Prime Time 1 – Primacy Videos and reviewing the landform volcano Downtime – practice Creating the model volcano.
Sense: Brain Pop - Landforms Meaning: Real World Connections Create Models
Volcanoes and the chunking method. Landforms > volcanoes> eruption
The students emotion of excitement will help the students remember › Volcano eruption › Landforms (Trip) These are both positive emotions that will stimulate the frontal lobes (Sousa, 2011)
The students will have a problem that they need to convince someone to go to a landform in the US. Problem-based learning boosts motivation. (Sousa, 2011). They will be creating a volcano rather then just listening to how a volcano erupts. They will be working on the computer and technology is a motivator.
Cerebral Lobes › Frontal Lobes: Figuring out how to convince for the Landform Trip › Temporal Lobes: Communicating with peers, recognizing the landforms › Occipital Lobes: Videos to process › Parietal Lobes: Spatial recognition for the model volcano. Neurons - Connect information
Limbic System Thalamus Hypothalamus Hippocampus Amygdala Transferring from Short Term Memory to Long Term