1. Purpose: A. Establish military base against Spain B. Build a fort C.Establish a permanent settlement 2.Main Personnel A.Sir Richard Grenville a.Scientist b.Admiral c.Ralegh’s Cousin
B.Ralph Lane a.Soldier b.Sheriff c.Governor d.Bad temper C.Simon Fernandez a.Portuguese b.Pilot – one employed to steer a ship : helmsman c.Pirate d.Greedy & self serving
D.Thomas Hariot (Harriot) a.Mathematician and Astronomer b.Naturalist (biologist) c.Cartographer - Purpose to survey and make maps d.Collected samples of new plants and animals
E.John White a.Artist b.Assistant Cartographer c.Governor
3.9 April 1585 A.Walter Raleigh appoints Sir Richard Grenville as commander of 5 barks and 2 pinnaces to bring settlers to the New World B.Fleet (2 or more ships working together) departs Plymouth England Pinnace Bark
4.26 June 1585 A.Expedition arrives at the Outer Banks to search for a good settlement location B.Roanoke Island is chosen to begin to build a settlement. C.Expedition set up like a military expedition with soldiers and support personnel.
5. End July, 1585 A.Ralph Lane is made governor. B.First order of business - build a fort.
6.Summer, 1585 A.Relations with the local Indians are good. B.Wingina open up the food storage area to share with Lane’s men C.The settlers receive a lot of help from Wingina’s people. 7.August, 1585 A.Grenville departs the area for England. B.Governor Lane and 107 men remain behind C. Lane’s men begin to survey and map the local area D.Lane’s men begin to delete the food supply of the local natives.
8.Winter and Spring, 1586 A.Lane leds expedition into mainland looking for gold. B.Wingina realizes the Englishmen are consuming all their food. C.Wingina stops providing food to the settlers. D.Chief Wingina plots to get rid of the English settlers. E.Lane has him killed (cuts his head off sticks on a pole as a warning). F.Relations with natives grow worse G.Lane men face a starving time - ate rats, mice and chewed shoe leather
9.June, 1586 A.Lane and the remaining settlers return to England with Sir Francis Drake 10. August, 1586 a. Relief ship arrives at Roanoke Island b.The settlement is deserted – ship returns to England.
Exceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsScore Points321 or 2 Colors/shaded and PatternsEnhance readabilitySupport readabilityDetract from readability LayoutCreatively enhances informationBalanced, uncluttered, adequate white space Not balanced, cluttered, insufficient white space Graphics/PhotosAll graphics are engaging, enhance text Graphics enhance textGraphics do not enhance text Titles and SubtitlesAll titles and subtitles are clear, enhance readability Most titles and subtitles are clear, enhance readability Few or no titles or subtitles to clarify text Text Size and ColorAll text is clear and readable; a few changes in size and color enhance understanding Text is clear and readable; changes in size and color enhance understanding Some text is clear and readable; frequent changes in size and color do not enhance understanding WritingWell written and organized, clear, easy to follow Adequately written and organized, clear, reasonably easy to follow Poorly written and organized, unclear, hard to follow Quality of InformationProduct description is clear, complete, concise Product description is mostly clear, could be a little more concise Product description is not clear, incomplete, not concise Grammar and SpellingNo grammar or spelling errorsOne grammar or spelling errorMany grammar and spelling errors