I. What is Naturalism? A. A reaction against Romanticism that developed in the later half of the nineteenth-century, inspired by breakthroughs in science, primarily Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species. 1.Reason and logic over emotion and sentimentalism 2.Nature is a dominant and sometimes intimidating force, not a friendly ally 3.“Survival of the fittest”– the fate of people is outside of their own control 4.Skepticism instead of supernaturalism and religious piety
B. Naturalism in Literature 1. Realism 2. Authors like Jack London and Stephen Crane wrote stories in which events were determined more by instinct and the forces of people’s environment rather than a heroic conscience.
C. Was Twain a Naturalist? 1. Yes a. Book uses realism (consider Huckleberry’s level-headed reactions to Tom Sawyer’s adventure book fixation). b. Weak view of human nature (Pap, the King & Duke). c. Constant mockery of sentimentalism and religiosity 2. Maybe not a. final portion of book is unrealistic. b. Huck and Jim have a strong conscience. c. Book is too light-hearted.