Natural Selection & Change over time
Charles Darwin British naturalist Sailed on the HMS Beagle around the world Collected and recorded all the different species and fossils he came across Wanted to explain biodiversity
Darwin at the Galapagos The Galapagos islands have many different biomes – Hot and dry like the desert – Rainy and full of plants Within each biome, Darwin would find different species that were suited to live there
Darwin at the Galapagos Noticed that several organisms had differences depending on where they lived
Darwin’s Finches Uses beak to crush seeds Uses twigs to probes insects in trees Probes in holds in trees for insects Uses beak to grasp insects
Darwin’s Observations Organisms tend to over produce Variation exists within a population
Darwin’s Conclusion Darwin summarized his conclusions in The Origin of Species – Common Descent with Modification – Evolution by Natural Selection
Back to the giraffe Ancestors of giraffes had slight variations The ones with slightly longer necks survived longer and reproduced more The ones with shorter necks eventually died out
Artificial Selection
Evidence The fossil record
Evidence Biogeography
Evidence Homologous body structures Vestigial organs
Evidence Embryology
Molecular Homologies
Theory of the origin of life
Early Earth Earth is about 4.6 billion years old Lots of lightning Early atmosphere was full of poisonous gases, water vapor, and no oxygen
Habitable Earth About 3.8 billion years ago, Earth cooled enough for water to remain liquid
Theory of the origin of life Miller & Urey (1950s) Simulated early Earth’s atmosphere Added a spark of electricity to simulate lightning They made… AMINO ACIDS!
4 Step process for the origin of life
The First Eukaryotes About 2 million years ago, eukaryotes evolved (endosymbiosis)