1 IPAS Training TMA Management Improvements Since ACE2009A EUROCONTROL CND/COE/VI/MB IPAS Training for RTS Data Preparation European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation EUROCONTROL- Wednesday, 09 June 2010 Author Pascal Pauchet
2 Context description (1) Before operating change of STARs or runways, or operating go-around and holds, it is important to keep in mind that the scope of a STAR modelised in IPAS is not the same than the operational one. The IPAS STAR integrates the approach into the STAR path, and thus, establishes a direct and unique link from the STAR to the runway: 1. A runway may be used by several STARs, 2. but a STAR is connected to a unique runway. A direct consequence, for example, is that it is not possible to change a runway for a flight without changing the STAR.
3 Context description (2) Operational STAR Last approach section ( in green ) is not part of the STAR. IPAS STAR (in modelisation) Last approach section (in green) is here part of the STAR.
4 Context description (3) Change of runway by controller Until ACE2008B, under execution conditions, it was always possible to change a runway for a flight. The Rte Dataset is always updated with the new runway However, according to the setting of the parameters “AUTOMATIC_STAR_ALLOCATION” and “ALLOW_SID_STAR_INSERTION”, the FM could change the runway without re-allocating a corresponding STAR. This was not normal: as soon as a change of runway is possible, if the current IPAS STAR does not correspond to the new runway, the FM should reallocate a proper STAR. If the change of runway is possible, from the point of view of the FM configuration setting, then the automatic STAR reallocation for a provided runway should not be subject to any configuration parameters. Nevertheless, if no STAR can be associated to the provided runway, it is always mandatory to update the runway (in the Dataset) and so, to leave the flight in a state inconsistent from the point of view of the association STAR/Runway (on the same way we can get it through the actual configuration parameters).
5 Context description (4) “New STAR” were rejected… Before ACE2009A the Flight Manager (FM) rejected the “New STAR” order when : 1.The aircraft was no more on the common path Entry waypoint Common Path of the STARs STAR 1 STAR 2 Divergence waypoint Figure case Acft : New STAR in FM Before ACE2009A the FM didn’t accept to change a STAR when there was no common waypoint between the STAR. Since ACE2009A In the case the aircraft is no more on the common path an Entry waypoint shall be provided.
6 Context description (5) “New STAR” were rejected… Before ACE2009A the Flight Manager (FM) rejected the “New STAR” order when : STAR 1 STAR 2 STAR Entry Point STAR without common path In case Acft : Two distinct STARs without any common point. 1.The aircraft was no more on the common path or 2.Entry point of the New STAR did not match the entry point of the previous STAR. (without any common point) 1.The aircraft was no more on the common path or
7 Context description (6) If No previous STAR is defined, change will be issued during route Since ACE2009A it will be possible to issue a “New STAR” anywhere along the STAR and at any time to change the STAR even though the entry point does not match the last point of the route. A resume (entry) waypoint to the new STAR will be provided In order to cover these two issues. The FM computes a new P4D including a Direct to the Entry waypoint STAR 1 « New» STAR 2 Entry waypoint case Acft : New STAR computation in FM
8 Context description (7) Runway Activation It is possible to define in IPAS whether a runway is active or not, and whether a runway is used for takeoffs, landings or both (note that this is an implicit setting from the usage of the runway in the SID and STAR definition - takeoff in SID, landing in STAR). Active state and the usage information are not used at all by the AIR system. The a/c can potentially take off or land on any runway declared in the system. They are only used by the GROUND system when it is configured to allocate automatically the SID and the STAR. In that case, SID and STAR selection is based on runway state and usage. Note that this configuration has only been used in live trials. For most of the simulations, SID and STAR are manually allocated in IPAS and runways state and usage are not considered by the GROUND system.
9 A part of the system is also assumed to be able to manage a dynamic change of state and/or change of usage for a runway. However, considering that manually it is possible, whatever the runway state and usage, to: Navigate the a/c toward any runway Change the STAR/runway of any flight from the CWP Then it is not necessary to manage properly neither the initial state and usage of a runway, nor to maintain them up to date. Moreover, changing dynamically that information would mean either to: Update manually flight and a/c data as it is done when the state and usage are not maintained, or Leave the system reallocate automatically STAR and runway, which is probably an undesired scenario (possibility to reallocate wrong STAR, route connection to STAR to be solved manually, …) Context description (8) Runway Activation
10 AMAN manages its own runway activation/deactivation and departure/arrival system through the AMAN strategy. Each pre-defined strategy corresponds to the use of a certain runway configuration, and any change of runway status is expected to be input in AMAN (through the AMAN HMI) with a change of strategy. Moreover, it is also possible to close temporarily a runway through a closure slot. In conclusion, until ACE2008B, running scenarios with runway activation/deactivation was possible without managing a formal state of the runway in the system, except the one already defined specifically for AMAN. Context description (9) Runway Activation
11 STAR description in IPAS The Figure 1 describes the associations (real and deduced) in IPAS between the STAR, the AIRPORT and the RUNWAY. Figure 1 IPAS modelisation of STAR / RUNWAY / AIRPORT
12 STAR description in IPAS Since ACE2009A In order to use fully the new feature developed in UR439 about the "TMA Management” (STAR // Runway change by PWP) the name of the STARs filled by the IPAS preparatory shall respect some conventions (while respecting the limit of 6 characters) in order to ease the PWP determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway
13 STAR description in IPAS PWP determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway The specifications related to the change of runway are relying on the usage of the “New STAR” order: To lower the pseudo-pilot workload, the PWP HMI shall determine if the corresponding STAR for a parallel runway exists, according to IPAS defined data. This determination will be made by comparing the name of the current aircraft’s STAR with the name of the IPAS defined STARs associated to the current aircraft’s selected runway: PWP-HMI tries to find a STAR whose name starts with the current STAR name and ends with a character denoting parallel runway direction (R, L….)
14 Functional Specification STAR description in IPAS PWP determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway The following table provides some illustration of that determination process:
15 PWP determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway The following table provides some illustration of that determination process: Functional Specification STAR description in IPAS This new functionality requests some conditions: Each STAR name arriving on // runways shall STARTS with the current STAR name and ends with a character (L,R or C as defined in the IPAS Runways in the AIRPORTS panel) When parallel runways have several entry points, each parallel arrival runway shall have a STAR defined in IPAS and these for each entry point. E.g.: If there are two entry points APRIL and CMP and two // arrival runways 16L and 16R at LIRF airport, As the name of STARs usually starts with the entry point (GATE) name it could be defined a STAR per runway and per entry point. For the entry point APRIL it could be STAR names: “APR16R” and “APR16L” For the entry point CMP it could be STAR names: “CMP16R” and “CMP16L” So an aircraft arriving by APRIL will be able to use a pre-defined STAR on both // runways 16L and 16R and those arriving by CMP will be able to do so. The Pseudo-Pilot will be automatically proposed a parallel runway when selecting the NEW RUNWAY order and its workload will be lowered in these cases.
16 PWP determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway The following table provides some illustration of that determination process: Functional Specification STAR description in IPAS However when it is not defined this way for instance: For an entry point APRIL it could be a single STAR name: “APR16R” For an entry point CMP it could be a single STAR name: “CMP16L” So an aircraft arriving by APRIL planned to land on the 16R (APR16R ) will still be able to change of runway 16L using existing STAR “CMP16L” but the menu sequence on the PWP HMI will request more actions as automatic parallel runway detection will not be possible the STAR names not starting identically. APR16 and CMP16.
17 STAR description in IPAS End of the IPAS data preparation description The following pages are there to give you a better understanding of what will change with the PWP (Pilot working position) after the implementation of this new feature developed in UR439 about the "TMA Management” (STAR // Runway change by PWP)
18 STAR description in IPAS Example: OMA08R, OMA08L, OMH26R, OMH26L The IPAS STAR usually defined may be summarised by the Figure 2 and Figure 3 Figure 2: STAR with common Path In case : There is a common path and the aircraft is still on the common path In case : There is a common path and the aircraft is no more on the common path STAR 1 STAR 2 Divergence waypoint STAR Entry Point
19 STAR description in IPAS Example: OMA08R, OMA08L, OMH26R, OMH26L The IPAS STAR usually defined may be summarised by the Figure 2 and Figure 3 Figure 2: STAR with common Path In case : Two distinct STARs without any common point STAR 1 STAR 2 STAR Entry Point
20 PWP: Change of runway by pilot(1) The controller may issue clearances to change the runway 1. For the parallel runway // in case of L / R runways configuration 2. For any other runway in case of special event (e.g. runway unplanned closure) Case 1 is expected before reaching the approach part i.e. when the a/c is still in the common path of the STARs only expected to diverge in the L or R approach. In that case, 1. an input limited to the runway id should be sufficient for the system to manage the change.
21 PWP: Change of runway by pilot (2) The controller may issue clearances to change the runway 1. For the parallel runway // in case of L / R runways configuration 2. For any other runway in case of special event (e.g. runway unplanned closure) Case 2 may happen anywhere along the STAR. In that case, it is necessary to input the STAR associated to the runway, and then: 1. To input a STAR waypoint to perform a direct, or 2. To input a heading in order to vector the a/c to a point where a resume to the new STAR is possible, or 3. To store the new STAR until specific orders brings the a/c to a point where a resume to the new STAR is possible.
22 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°1 – Information window The Flight Information Window now displays the current STAR and Runway names, as displayed hereafter: Figure 2 – Information window The Datalink field was removed. It may be necessary to move other elements such as “ROT” and “POSITION”.
23 PWP - HMI Specifications Figure 3 – HMI Specification n°2 – New Route Order Menu HMI Specification n°2 – New Route Order Menu In the context of the present UR, the New Route Order Menu was enriched with one button “NEW RUNWAY” displayed on the right of the NEW STAR button. That will allow the pilot to change the runway on which an arriving aircraft will land.
24 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°3 – Change STAR Combine Menu A new Order Menu was created, that allows the input of new orders : “Change STAR and Heading”, “Change STAR and Turn” and “Change STAR and Direct”. Therefore, this Menu contains three buttons, as follows. Figure 4 – HMI Specification n°3 – Change STAR Combine Menu
25 PWP - HMI Specifications Specification n°4 – Runway Value Menu The Data Entry panel allows the selection of a runway amongst the list of all the IPAS- defined arrival runways of a given airport. Therefore, the Runway Value Menu will be generated by the PWP HMI, by retrieving the available runways from the IPAS- defined STAR entries. The Runway Value Menu Header shall display the name of the airport for which the runways are displayed, as follows Figure 5 – Specification n°4 – Runway Value Menu The runway information, wherever presented, shall be formatted as two digits plus one optional letter. Available runways for airport LFPG
26 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°5 –STAR Exclusive Value Menu A new Data Entry panel allows the selection of a STAR amongst the list of the IPAS- defined STAR for a given runway. Therefore, the STAR Exclusive Value Menu is generated by the PWP HMI, by retrieving the list of STARs heading to a given threshold (according to the IPAS STARs definitions). The name “Exclusive” refers to the fact that the listed STARs are restricted to the selected runway. Figure 6 – HMI Specification n°5 – STAR Exclusive Value Menu
27 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°6 –STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu The Data Entry panel shall allow the selection of a waypoint from an IPAS-defined STAR. It should be stressed that the STAR may not be the active STAR, but selected from the STAR Value Menu instead. Please also note that the name “Exclusive” refers to the lack of buttons “OTHER” etc.. Figure 7 – HMI Specification n°6 – STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu
28 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°7 – STAR Initial Letter Value Menu The Data Entry panel shall allow the selection of the STAR through its initial letter in the case when more than 42 STARs are definded for the destination airport. The STAR initial letter value menu shall contain the following buttons: Letter A to Z Numeric 0 to 9 Figure 8 – HMI Specification n°7 – STAR Initial Letter Value Menu
29 PWP - HMI Specifications HMI Specification n°7 –Other STAR Value Menu The other STAR value shall displays al available STAR for the current destination airport beginning by the initial letter selected. It shall contain the following buttons: STAR name beginning by the same letter Figure 9 – HMI Specification n°8 – Other STAR Value Menu
30 PWP- Functional Specifications Functional Specification n°1 – Determination of Corresponding STAR for parallel runway Next specifications related to the change of runway are relying on the usage of the “New STAR” order: To lower the pseudo-pilot workload, the PWP HMI determines if the corresponding STAR for a parallel runway exists, according to IPAS defined data. This determination will be made by comparing the name of the current aircraft’s STAR with the name of the IPAS defined STARs associated to the current aircraft’s selected runway: PWP-HMI tries to find a STAR whose name starts with the current STAR name and ends with a character denoting parallel runway direction.
31 PWP- Functional Specifications (SR439-19) If a parallel runway to the current one exists, and the corresponding STAR for that parallel runway exists from the New Route Order Menu, when the “NEW RUNWAY” button is pressed, The Order Entry Window shall display the Change STAR Combine Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the Runway Value Menu The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the parallel runway to the current one, and shall be replaced by the parallel star retrieved by PWP HMI
32 PWP- Functional Specifications SR If a parallel runway to the current one doesn’t exist (or if a parallel runway to the current one exists but without corresponding STAR), from the New Route Order Menu, when the “NEW RUNWAY” button is pressed, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the Runway Value Menu The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW RUNWAY ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black.
33 PWP- Functional Specifications SR When a runway value is selected from the Runway Value Menu, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the STAR Exclusive Value Menu The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected runway.
34 PWP- Functional Specifications SR From the STAR Exclusive Value Menu, when a STAR is selected, The Order Entry Window shall display the Change STAR Combine Menu, The Data Entry Window shall be empty The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And and shall be replaced with the selected values.
35 PWP- Functional Specifications SR When the NEW STAR button is pressed from the New Route Order Menu, or when the STAR button is pressed from the New Route Execution Menu, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the STAR Value Menu for the destination airport of the flight The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW STAR” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black.
36 PWP- Functional Specifications SR When the NEW STAR button is pressed from the New Route Order Menu, or when the STAR button is pressed from the New Route Execution Menu, and if more than 42 STARs exist for that given airport, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the STAR Initial letter Value Menu The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW STAR” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black.
37 PWP- Functional Specifications SR From the STAR Initial Letter Value Menu, when the first letter is selected, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the Other STAR Value Menu The History Window shall display the string : “ NEW STAR: …” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the selected letter.
38 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW RUNWAY order, if AND DIRECT is pressed from the Change STAR Combine Menu The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu for the selected STAR The History Window shall display the string “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ) AND DIRECT TO BCN/PT” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/default parrallel runway And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/parrallel STAR
39 PWP- Functional Specifications SR439-28In the case of a NEW STAR order, if “AND DIRECT” is pressed from the Change STAR Combine Menu The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu for the selected STAR The History Window shall display the string “ NEW STAR LEADING TO RUNWAY AND DIRECT TO BCN/PT” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the runway corresponding to the selected STAR. And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected STAR
40 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW RUNWAY order, when a beacon is selected from the STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu The Order Entry Window shall display the Execute Menu, The Data Entry Window shall be empty The History Window shall display the string “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ) AND DIRECT TO ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/default parallel runway And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/parallel STAR And shall be replaced with the selected STAR Beacon
41 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW STAR order, when a beacon is selected from the STAR Beacon Exclusive Value Menu The Order Entry Window shall display the Execute Menu, The Data Entry Window shall be empty The History Window shall display the string “ NEW STAR LEADING TO RUNWAY AND DIRECT TO ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the runway corresponding to the selected STAR. And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected STAR And shall be replaced with the selected STAR Beacon
42 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW RUNWAY order, if AND HEADING is pressed from the Change STAR Combine Menu, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the First Heading Value Menu The History Window shall display the string “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ) AND HEADING” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/default parallel runway And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected / parallel STAR
43 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW STAR order, if AND HEADING is pressed from the Change STAR Combine Menu,, The Order Entry Window shall display the Default Menu, The Data Entry Window shall display the First Heading Value Menu The History Window shall display the string “ NEW STAR LEADING TO RUNWAY AND HEADING” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the runway corresponding to the selected STAR. And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected STAR
44 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW RUNWAY order, when a heading is selected, either from the First Heading Value Menu, or from any of its sub-menus, The Order Entry Window shall display the Execute Menu, The Data Entry Window shall be empty The History Window shall display the string “ NEW RUNWAY NEW STAR ) AND HEADING ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/default parallel runway And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected/parallel STAR And shall be replaced with the selected HEADING
45 PWP- Functional Specifications SR In the case of a NEW STAR order, when a heading is selected, either from the First Heading Value Menu, or from any of its sub-menus, The Order Entry Window shall display the Execute Menu, The Data Entry Window shall be empty the History Window shall display the string “ NEW STAR LEADING TO RUNWAY AND HEADING ” Where the part(s) in bold shall be yellow and the remainder shall be black, And shall be replaced with the runway corresponding to the selected STAR. And shall be replaced with the identifier of the selected STAR And shall be replaced with the selected HEADING
46 PWP- Supplementary Specifications
47 PWP Supplementary Specifications Figure 10 – Supplementary Specification n°1 – PWP HMI Input Diagram : New Runway Supplementary Specification n°1 The PWP HMI Input Diagram
48 PWP Supplementary Specifications Figure 11 – Supplementary Specification n°1 – PWP HMI Input Diagram : Combined orders Supplementary Specification n°1 The PWP HMI Input Diagram
49 PWP Supplementary Specifications Supplementary specification n°1 The PWP HMI Input Diagram Figure 12 – Supplementary Specification n°1 – PWP HMI Input Diagram : New STAR
50 End End of this document