Guidelines for Table Manners Be Polite Don’t put your handbags or briefcase on the table. Wait until after the meal is ordered before starting the discussion on something. When food is being passed to you, say “please” and “thank you.” Wait until everyone has been served before eating. Be Neat Always chew with your mouth closed. Wait until you’ve swallowed your food before speaking. Don’t gesture with a utensil in your hand, esp. if it has food on it. Watch out for the proper way of eating bread and butter. Avoid ordering messy foods. If you drop a utensil, don’t pick it up. Politely ask the server for a replacement.
Be Pleasant Don’t complain about the food or criticize the service. Leave it to the host. Be Considerate Don’t check your grooming at the dining table. Powder your nose or apply your lipstick in the restroom. The same is true for using toothpicks or blowing your nose. Use Your Dishes and Utensils Correctly Your food dishes (like the bread and butter plate) are always on your left. Your beverage containers (including coffee cup and saucer) are on your right. Follow the outside-in place setting for utensils. salad, entrée, dessert forks; soup, coffee, dessert spoons Be aware of the rest position as well as the finished position of your utensils and napkin.
Seating Arrangement Round tables
Round Tables Mr 1 Mr2 Ms 3 Ms 4 M r 5 Mr 6 Ms 6 Ms 5 Mr 4 Mr 3 Ms2 Ms 1
Long Tables host(ess) Mr 6 Ms 5 Ms 1 Ms 2 Ms 4 Mr3 1 2 Mr 3 Mr 4 Mr 2 Ms Ms 4 Ms Mr 2 Mr 1 Mr 1 Ms Ms 3 Mr 4 Mr 5 Ms 6