1. Pick up a survey from the “out” box 2. Get a pencil or pen if you need one (you must return it and this is your only chance for a free loan) 3. Find your assigned seat silently. 4. Place your schedule and seat assignment card on on the top right corner of your desk for me to check. 5. Silently begin work on your survey.
Why is it important to graduate?
No High School Diploma High School Diploma 4-yr College Degree Professional Degree (doctor, lawyer)
1. 2 years (we will increase our reading levels by 2 years on average – we’ll judge this using the Star Test) 2. 80% (we will get an average of 80% on all assessments… that means tests, quizzes, AR tests, and of course, the MEAP) Words(we will improve, on average, by 20 words on our ORF.)
Reaching our goal will put you on track to graduate High School You will also be on track to go to be college and career ready Rockstar Reader Avenue MEAP Explore, Plan, ACT Goal High SchoolCollege
Come to class prepared. Keep your cell phone turned off and out of sight. No Electronics. No fighting/Put Downs. If you are late to class, you MUST bring a pass. If you are absent from school, you must find out what you missed.
Come to class on time. The bell does not dismiss you.
Come to class prepared with: 3-4 writing utensils AR book Folder or binder Ask permission to move from your seat. Respect others, yourself, and the classroom materials.
1. Warning (RTC questions) 2. Seat change 3. Phone call home Some actions, such as continued disobedience or fighting, lead directly to a RTC. These are listed in your agenda book.
If you have not used your “oops” coupon, you can turn your coupon in for a treat at the end of the month. If you have completed all homework and work and haven’t gone to RTC you will be able to participate in a MS fun day.
Do not argue or whine. If you have a problem, talk to me about it privately so you don’t disrupt the class Do not write on the desks or books Unless we are doing group work, only one person is allowed to talk at a time. Take responsibility when you are wrong. I will do the same.
Line up outside the door Walk-in silently and calmly Pick-up today’s work from the OUTBOX or complete your ORF. Go to your assigned seat Write tonight’s homework down in your agenda Place your homework in the top right hand corner of your desk Begin reading your Independent Reading Book/ AR book.
You may not leave class during the first or last 15 minutes This is a non-negotiable You may only leave the class during independent work time, you may need to use an “oops’ coupon. I will not release you to use the restroom unless it is truly an emergency
Use the clock to make sure you are allowed to leave class at this time Fill out a pass in your agenda book No agenda book, no leaving class Silently raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Stanhope to come over to you Do not argue if you are told that this is not an appropriate time to leave class
You must come to class with 3-4 pens or pencils You may use blue or black ink pens (NOT markers) or a pencil If you do not have a writing utensil borrow a writing utensil from a classmate You may not request to borrow one while someone else is speaking
Check to make sure no one is speaking before you raise your hand to request a writing utensil Silently raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Stanhope to come over to you
Throw it away before or after class You may not throw away garbage during class time This violate the expectations that you will not leave your seat without permission
If we leave Room 120 as a class (to go to lunch, the media center, or anywhere else) you must ensure that you walk in a straight, single-file line Keep your hands to yourself Eyes and body facing forward Absolutely silent
Neatly put away all materials where they belong Wait silently for Mrs. Stanhope to dismiss your group When your group has been dismissed, silently line up inside the classroom Wait until Mrs. Stanhope opens the door for you to leave Turn your classwork or any assignments you want to give to Mrs. Stanhope into the INBOX as you leave While in the hallway, walk quitely in a straight line or with a purpose