Mr. Jaykishor Chhangani


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Jaykishor Chhangani Cow baased Poly-herbal Products (Panchagavya) – A Potential Resource for Rural Industrializations Mr. Jaykishor Chhangani & Mrs. Sudha Tiwari Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrilization, Maganwadi, Wardha.

WHAT IS MGIRI? IT IS THE THIRD VERSION OF BAPU’S AVIA 1934-56 AVIA: All India Village Industries Association R&D Focus on Rural Industries Training to a few hundred per year Running VI shops JBCRI (Under KVIC) Jamnalal Bajaj Central Research Institute Focus on R&D for Khadi and VI 1956-2001 2001-2008 Revamping JBCRI into MGIRI by KVIC through IIT Delhi 2008-9, 9-10, 10-11, MGIRI Functioning

MGIRI’s Hub Function & Extension Style (i) Generic Technologies at MGIRI level MGIRI Mgt & Syst Khadi Text Bio Herbal Chem Ind Craft Energy & Infra Web-based Entrepreneurship Guidance Solar Charge Prespining M/c Khadi Fashion Mart Agrindus (Soya, Orange, Turmeric) Herbal based Nutraceuticals Q-Control Models Green-Tech Cosmetics Design Delivery Functional Craft directions Energy Industry Conservation Back-up Model LED Product

(ii) MGIRI’s extended function through Interface Partners TBU Sp. IISc IITs (5) NITs (3) NIT-Eq. (3) CSIR TIFAC-REACH-CORE Spl. Natl. Tech Inst. Imp. Engg. Colleges Imp. KVIC Extn MSME siblings DI –MSME KVIC Inst. Ntk Tech. NGOs DST CORE CAPART-CORE KVKs Com. Poly. Tech Ind. Houses

Bio-processing & Herbal Div. Focused Sector Micro, small and medium sector industries, Self – help groups; NGO’S development and promotion of innovative products in the field of: Food, Bakery, & Fruit products like soya, amla & honey based products. Herbal drugs, Neutraceuticals and cosmetics and bulk drugs. Panchgavya consumer, cosmetics products, drugs , Neutraceuticals & agri-inputs. Agricultural inputs like biomanures, biofertilizers, biopesticides and amino acids. Quality control and quality guidance . User-friendly and portable kits eg. Biomanure & Soil Testing kits. Capabilities Experienced Scientists, Fully equipped laboratory and Pilot plant facilities.  

Self sustainable economy Natural resources Gandhiji’s idea of “Gram Swaraj Self sustainable economy Natural resources Medicinal plants & Panchagavya Huge Market Scope Great potential for rural industrialization.

Importance of Panchgavya Panchagavya- Cow milk, Ghee, Curd, Urine & Dung. The medicinal importance of Panchgavya is well described in Ayurveda . Modern science has also proved its medicinal properties. Patents- Anti-microbial, immunomodulator, bio-enhancer, anti-cancer etc. Use of Panchgavya in preparing medicinal as well as domestic and agricultural products which are effective, eco-friendly, chemical free and harmless to human being will be a revolutionary step to combat pollution and health hazard.

Objectives Rural entrepreneurship development. Use of Panchgavya products as a basis for rural industrialization. To provide eco-friendly, chemical free and better quality products at low cost using Panchgavya products. To provide a backbone for self-reliance to the rural areas using Panchagvya products. To make awareness about Indian system of medicine (Ayurveda)

“Integrated Rural Development and Employment Generation using Panchgavya” Innovated products Phenyle After-Shave Red Manjan Utensil cleaner Mosquito Rep.Coil Hair Oil Improved Products Dhoop-Batti Keshnikhar Black Manjan Face-Pack

Development of Panchgavya Products for R.I. Sector Innovative Panchagavya Products : Phenyle Hair Oil Utensul cleaner Red Manjan After Shave M.S.Coil Dhoop batti Ubatan Keshnikhar Black Manjan Effective, Eco-friendly, Chemical free & Low cost products for V.I. Sector

R&D on Panchagavya Products Red Dantmanjan, Black Dantmanjan, Face-pack, Hair oil, Phenyl, Mosquito repellent coil & Dhoopbatti. ↓ ----------------------------- ↓ ↓ Standardization Efficacy studies As per Ayu. Pharmacopoeia As per BIS & other methods Of India & In-house Successfully disseminated in Maharastra, Gujrat, Orissa, M.P. & Karnataka.

Impacts of MGIRI’s efforts

Scope for RuTAG-IITB, Mumbai Panchagavya Agri-inputs e.g.Bio-pestrepellent Growth-promoters Grain preservatives Neutraceuticals e.g.Health-drinks Health powders Chocolates Consumer products Soap, Shampoos, Tooth-paste etc. Medicinal Products e.g. Ark , Asava, Takrarista, Ghanwati, digestive churna etc.

Panchagavya Agri-inputs Bright Possibilities for Organic Revolution Green revolution. Self reliance in terms of production. Indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers – Destruction of ecological balance. Chemical pesticides – Non-degradable, enter the food chain, leaving toxic effects. WHO figure – 25 million agricultural workers poisoined each year – 20,000 deaths per year attributed to chemical poisoing. Road to intigrated pest management not a romantic short cut through domain of transitional farming – A challenge to creative farmers and scientists.

Panchagavya Agri-inputs Already existing Products: Pest repellent- Cow urine + Neem + Garlic Growth promoter – Cow urine + Dung + Jaggery Scientific Background: Ayurveda - Gomutra , Neem, Garlic : “ Jantughna” . Antimicrobial, Germicidal as per Modern Science. U.S. patent (No.-7297659), European patent (DE602004002293T) –Synergistic fermented plant growth promoting, bio-control composition ( Dr. Nautiyal C., NBRI, Lucknow)

Panchagavya based medicinal products Scientific Background: Ayurveda- 40% Ayurvedic medicines. No. of medicinal products (existing)- Approximate 50 Eg. Ark, Asawa, Arista, Ghanwati, Ghruta, Churna, Tailas, Nari-sanjiwani etc. Modern Science- “Go-Vigyan” emerging as new horizon for scientific community. Organizations working on Panchagavya-NBRI, CIMAP, CDRI, NEERI, IISC, IVRI, MGIRI , IITs, VNIT, Ayurveda & Agricultural Uni., Variousg Pharmacy, Engineering colleges etc. Inspiration Centre: Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, Dewalapar, Ngp.

Widely Adopted & Accepted Products 1. Urine based : Ark - Distilled Cow urine Modern Science: Bio-enhancer, Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antibacterial – US-Patent No. 6410059 Anti Allergic, Anti infective, Anti Cancer, Nutritional – US Patent No. 6806907 Antioxidant, Apoptosis – US Patent No. 7718360 2. Ghee based: Astamangal Ghrita Lowers cholesterol, Memory enhancer, Foetal development

Widely Adopted &e Scrn Accepted Products 3. Milk based- Neutraceuticals Modern Science- Provides A2 protein which prevent cardiac, neurological disorders and cancer etc. 4. Butter milk: Takrarista Antimicrobial, maintains intestinal micro-flora, cures food poisoning etc. 5. Cow dung: Provides useful microbes, medicinal smoke reduces air borne bacteria etc.

Panchagavya based Consumer products & Neutraceuticals Eg. Tooth paste from Manjan Soap Shampoos Neutraceuticals: Eg. Health drinks Health powders Chocolates

Present status Total Goshalas in India- 6000 Registered Goshalas- 5000 Goshalas preparing Gomutra based Pest-repellent & promoter- 1000 Goshalas manufacturing Panchagavya medicines- 600 Goshalas manufacturing Panchagavya based consumer products- 300 Farmers preparing Gomutra/dung based agri-inputs- 15 Lakhs A lot of other entrepreneurs. Employment Generation- 10 Lakhs Average income/m- Rs. 5000/-m

Need for S&T intervention Main attraction- Pharmacological activities/Efficacy studies Ground Reality: Less Market Share ↓ Low Acceptability Lack of Reproducible Results Ignorance- SOP & Standardization

Anticipated outcome Scientific validation, wide acceptability. Rural entrepreneurship development. Use of Panchgavya products as a basis for rural industrialization. Effective, eco-friendly products at low cost using Panchgavya products. A backbone for self-reliance to the rural areas . To make awareness about Indian system of medicine (Ayurriveda) & Agrictural Science.

Helping Hand- MGIRI, Wardha We are ready to support RuTAG, Office of PSA, Govt. of India. THANK YOU