School Year Welcome to West Liberty High School Positive Behavior Supports Assembly
PBS is like a sports team ✤ It takes equal effort from everyone involved to achieve a common goal ✤ Our goal is to have the best school year ever!
What is PBS? ✤ PBS is a way to create a safe, predictable, positive school environment ✤ It takes commitment from students and staff to be successful!
PBS isn’t new ✤ It’s a means to foster a mutual, all-inclusive environment
The Comet Code ✤ SOAR ✤ Self-Discipline ✤ Ownership ✤ Achievement ✤ Respect CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS S elf-Discipline -Be in the classroom before the bell rings O wnership -Bring planner, writing utensil, and other classroom materials. A chievement -Be on time to all classes. -Complete work on time. R espect - Respect rights of all students and staff. -Keep cell phones out of the classrooms.
Comet Cash ✤ Ways to earn Comet Cash ✤ Be Respectful ✤ Be a Good Citizen ✤ Follow Directions ✤ Show your School Pride! WLHS COMETS S.O.A.R. TO SUCCESS S elf-Discipline... O wnership... A chievement... R espect COMET CASH Presented to: __________________________________ Issued By: _____________________ Date: __________________ Serial No.: ____________________ Turn into the main office by Friday 8:15 a.m. of the week issued.
Comet Cash ✤ You can earn: ✤ Parking Privileges ✤ Lunch Line Privileges ✤ Activity Passes ✤ And More! WLHS COMETS S.O.A.R. TO SUCCESS S elf-Discipline... O wnership... A chievement... R espect COMET CASH Presented to: __________________________________ Issued By: _____________________ Date: __________________ Serial No.: ____________________ Turn into the main office by Friday 8:15 a.m. of the week issued.
✤ Improve overall school climate for the positive ✤ Foster Comet Pride ✤ Improve relationships between faculty and students What is our goal?
Where Do We Start?
To be eligible for Comet Cash: ✤ Be on time for all classes ✤ Must be consistently achieved everyday this week!
What do I do with the Comet Cash? ✤ Turn it in during your lunch period ✤ 5 Students will be called during Friday’s Pep Rally ✤ Students must be present to get 1 of 5 Activity Passes to gain free admittance to all Fall events!
Time for Prizes !
Have a Great Day!