Mrs. Palermo’s Class Rules
1. Be Prompt- Accountable and Teachable You must be in your seat when the bell rings ready to work. If you are tardy: 1 st tardy- you will receive a verbal warning 2 nd tardy-a phone call will be made to your home 3 rd tardy-a phone call home and a detention 4 th tardy-a phone call home and a detention 5 th tardy-an office referral will be made for ISS If you have a pass from another teacher, this is an excused tardy.
2. Be Prepared- Teachable, Accountable, Respectful It is your responsibility to have your binder (with paper, writing utensil, planner and assignments in it) with you in class everyday. You must have any homework or worksheets you were assigned for the day. You should begin working on the bellringer as soon as the bell rings. You are to get any books, workbooks, or magazines indicated on the board, so you are prepared to begin working.
3. Be Polite- Safe, Respectful, Supportive You are to speak to teachers and classmates in a reasonable tone, using formal language at all times. You may not make demands, but may ask any questions you would like. Private business, if it is essential it is discussed, is discussed quietly with the teacher in the hall or away from other students during passing periods. We never say shut up, or make rude comments about others in the room.