Are You Here for Honors Chem? Yes? Great! Take a seat anywhere for now and wait for the bell… Assigned seats will be provided by Tuesday. Please be ready to hand in your summer assignment… it does not need to be stapled, just initial each page if your name is not on all of them
First Things First Please look at your summer assignments Make sure YOUR NAME is on it You DO NOT need to staple it all together, just initial each loose page Pass your assignment forward after you placed YOURS ON TOP of the pile (this will be a constant procedure, so take note) THANK YOU!
Welcome to Honors Chemistry Ms. Foote Room 201 P.S. This is uploaded on my website
Seating Assignments This is NOT meant to be a pain, but rather a tool for me to learn your names faster. You WILL be changing your seats in the future, however it will be at MY discretion, so PLEASE DO NOT ASK constantly. If you have an issue with where you are seated, please talk to me after class or via and I will try to remedy the situation.
Who is Ms Foote? Biochemistry major Lehigh University One year Leukemia research at CHOP This is my seventh year teaching at NBC Assistant Varsity ladies’ lacrosse coach Previously described by students as: –C–Crazy –M–MEAN! –F–Funny (sometimes corny, same difference) –M–Moody *(explanation to follow… don’t freak out… yet) –A–Approachable –N–Non-judgmental
What Does Ms Foote Expect of YOU? To be ON-TIME everyday To have a PASS if you are late (quietly) To have a SMILE/positive attitude To come PREPARED* everyday To ask RELEVANT questions as needed To LEARN everyday– this means you MUST BRING YOUR BRAINS!
What Does PREPARED Mean? Binder (3 ring, at least 1”) NO exceptions! A writing utensil (labs = blue or black pen) A BOUND lab notebook (i.e. a “composition” book) – NO EXCEPTIONS!! Appropriate clothes, especially for LAB. All BEFORE you walk in the door, so plan your outfit and footwear accordingly for lab days –which are effective Tuesday- except for picture day 9/8/10
How Are You Graded? This class operates by points All assignments will be awarded points based upon the amount of work/effort required At the end of the quarter, the TOTAL amount of points you earned will be divided by the TOTAL amount of points possible, times 100 so it will be a percentage A rubric will be provided for labs and projects in advance
What About Homework? Expect to have homework every night Most assignments are worth 5 points each and will be checked at the start of class via a rubber stamp Such assignments are graded for completion and relativity (no “blue duck” answers) Partial credit is ALMOST always accepted –(1 day late = 4 points if 5 pt homework, but 4.5 by the end of the same day and 3.5 the following day)
Extra Credit Opportunities Every quarter will have at least ONE opportunity for extra credit Since your grade is calculated using raw points, the E.C. points awarded will be added to your total points earned The most common way to receive E.C. will be prior to tests via review activities
Miscellaneous Details ALL school RULES apply, so read your handbook (in agenda books) and be prepared to be held accountable Larger assignments (tests, projects, take home quizzes) take longer for me to grade and therefore will NOT be graded by the next morning… so please don’t ask repeatedly Pop quizzes ARE an option so make sure you are actively listening and learning while in class... be sure to ask questions if it is unclear
What About? If you have to go to the bathroom, make eye contact with me, get up, “log out” in folder by the door and take the ivory “lav/locker” pass –Be sure to “log” back in If you need to sharpen your pencil, just get up and go over in a stealth way- i.e. not in front of the class, cutting me off (it’s a little guy on my desk) If you need a calculator or implement in which to write (aka are UNPREPARED) please let me know ASAP and BE SURE TO RETURN! Cell phones should be off and stowed away. If I hear/see one, I will hold it until the end of the class, do not be surprised by my hand held out for it nor my unhappy eyebrow If an emergency arises, just get up and go- eye contact with me and a look of distress is appreciated
Classroom Atmosphere Despite all the slides and information, this class can be A LOT OF FUN! I LOVE this job and look forward to seeing YOU each and everyday. I hope YOU will look forward to our class and WANT to show up and participate In order for us ALL to have FUN and LEARN, we need to respect each other and know when we can play around and when we need to work extra hard If any issues arise, PLEASE do not hesitate to come talk to me… communication can make all the difference