Back To School Welcome to Mrs. Varcoe’s Class
About Mrs. Varcoe oGraduate of Albright College with a BA in Psychology and Business Administration. oGraduate of Delaware Valley College with a BA in Secondary Education and Mathematics. oMaster’s Degree from Neumann College in Educational Leadership.
Classroom Expectations Be in class and in your seat when the bell rings. Be prepared for class with your notebook, textbook and writing utensil. Be respectful of everyone. No I-pods, cell phones, food or drink. Do not speak out of turn and be sure to raise your hand. Group work – Soft Voices. Stay on task at all times.
Classroom Expectations Supplies: o3 ring binder with tabs oLoose leaf/ notebook paper oPencils for tests and quizzes oTI-84 Calculator
Grading oHomework (0 – 5 points daily) oTest and quizzes oHomework/Class work 10% oTests and Quizzes 90%
Grading Continued oQuarter 1 40% oQuarter 2 40% o*Mid –Term and Final (20% of grade) o*must receive a 70% to move to CP Trig.
Extra Help and Absences oAvailable during: o3B and 3C HATS oAbsence from class: oStudents are responsible for making up any missed work due to illness or other activity. If a student is absent the day of review, they are still expected to take the quiz or test the next day as no new material is being taught. oIf a student is absent the day of a quiz or test, they are expected to make it up, the day they return during HATS.
Communication o oPhone : o Room B207 owww.Hatboro- Horsham.orgwww.Hatboro-