Make sure you have writing utensil. Get 2 things: Your Career Packet Career Paper Directions Sheet (By computer) Start working where you left off yesterday! Day #7- Career-Paper Writing 2 of 3
Essential Question- How can I research careers? Objective- Students will complete career paper in Word. Standard 2 – Exploring College and Careers ECC-2.1 Differentiate among job, occupation and career. ECC-2.2 Locate, understand and use career information and resources. Agenda- Paper Requirements Work Day Day #7- Career-Paper Writing 2 of 3
1) Research 2) Paper 3) PowerPoint 4) Presentation Day #7- Career-Paper Writing 2 of 3
Read sheet together. Expectations? How do we create paragraphs? What is the largest font? Can we have colored text? What is the line spacing for this paper? Directions to complete everything are on the sheet. Day #7- Career-Paper Writing 2 of 3
Start researching your career. Complete the research sheet. If you finish, bring to teacher. Staple your papers together and leave on counter. Update Post-It Note. Day #7- Career-Paper Writing 2 of 3