Take out your paragraph, and trade with someone at your table.Take out your paragraph, and trade with someone at your table. Look over your peer’s paragraph and provide feedback using the following format questions:Look over your peer’s paragraph and provide feedback using the following format questions: Is there a clear, arguable claim as the first (maybe 2 nd ) sentence? Does the claim answer the prompt?Is there a clear, arguable claim as the first (maybe 2 nd ) sentence? Does the claim answer the prompt? Is there a minimum of 3 pieces of separate evidence? Strength and connection.Is there a minimum of 3 pieces of separate evidence? Strength and connection. Is there commentary after each piece of evidence? Think about the commentary scores from the back board- how strong and complete is the commentary?Is there commentary after each piece of evidence? Think about the commentary scores from the back board- how strong and complete is the commentary? Is there a concluding sentence?Is there a concluding sentence? Today you’ll need your paragraph, journal, writing utensil, and novel. Entry Task 3/27
In your journal, write 5 discussion questions regarding the verdict, reactions, or the trial itself.In your journal, write 5 discussion questions regarding the verdict, reactions, or the trial itself. Remember, a discussion question is not a literal question.Remember, a discussion question is not a literal question. 1 question needs to ask people to make a connection between this trial and the trials presented in the presentations at the beginning of the unit (be specific).1 question needs to ask people to make a connection between this trial and the trials presented in the presentations at the beginning of the unit (be specific). Discussion prep
Full Class Discussion Expectations 1) Discuss ideas, not judgments. 2) Refer to the text. 3) Take turns speaking and be respectful of everyone, even if you disagree. 4) Don’t move on from every question until those who wish to respond have. 5) This is student led. Do not look to me to answer or guide your responses. Absent Students: you must write the discussion questions, and then write out a response to them. Turn in when you return.
After Discussion assignment Work with your group to construct interpretive statements about how the trial itself was a coming of age experience for Jem and Scout. (What deeper understanding did they come to through the trial and events after the trial?)Work with your group to construct interpretive statements about how the trial itself was a coming of age experience for Jem and Scout. (What deeper understanding did they come to through the trial and events after the trial?) Individually find direct quotes (2 per claim) that would support your group’s interpretive claim.Individually find direct quotes (2 per claim) that would support your group’s interpretive claim. Absent students: you are responsible for writing the interpretive statements and finding the evidence on your own.Absent students: you are responsible for writing the interpretive statements and finding the evidence on your own.
HW Read chapters 24-26Read chapters Track coming of age details.Track coming of age details. Complete the graphic organizer on page 239 in your SpringBoard (or copy the graphic organizer into your journal).Complete the graphic organizer on page 239 in your SpringBoard (or copy the graphic organizer into your journal).