You have all heard of recycling. But have you ever heard of precycling, downcycling or upcycling?
Recycling-converts waste products into re- useable materials.
Precycling is the practice of reducing waste by attempting to avoid bringing items which will generate waste into home or business. For example, you could re-use a water bottle, or avoid using products that are heavy in packaging.
Downcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of lesser quality and reduced functionality. A clear of example of downcycling is plastic recycling, which turns the material into lower grade plastics. In effect, you are reducing the value of the materials.
Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value. Upcycling takes an item and changes its use.
On the next set of slides are examples of upcycling, can you explain what they are and how their use has changed?
This necklace is made out of a fork. The forks use has changed from an eating utensil to a piece of fashion.
These bowls are made out of old magazines. The magazines use has changed from a piece of entertainment to a piece of crockery.
This chair is made out of ring pulls. The ring pulls use has changed from opening a fizzy drink to a piece of furniture.
This pencil holder is made out of an old cheese grater. The graters use has changed from a kitchen utensil to a stationery holder.
This is life size sculpture of a man and it was made with chewing gum. The chewing gum has gone from being something that is just a mess into an amazing piece of artwork!
You will have a sheet like this one to take home which explains exactly what your homework project is, as well as when each piece of homework is due in.
Your project homework this term will be focused around the idea of Upcycling. You all be given a DVD case. Your homework this week is to upcycle it, making it something of more value, as well as changing its use. You will also need to write an explanation about what you have upcycled the case into. The homework is due next Monday 16 th June. Good luck!